Monday, October 22, 2012

Here, I Cry For Mine...

Here, I Cry For Mine...

By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

Somewhere, someone is crying over losing someone
Crying, grieving their hearts out in such pain
Here, someone ... does the same

My son is gone, he died one day
He fell to the sand, took his last breath
As he looked at the ocean, the sky, his little son

I know someone else's son has gone away
Maybe someone caused their death
Or they were involved in a crash

It doesn't matter in the end, a son has died
A mother's heart is broken, torn apart
By the most deepest of grief, deepest of pain

Her child is gone, the child she brought into the world
The son she always knew would be there for her
Has gone away... gone away forever

He won't be there on holidays while other sons are
No happy smiles of pleasure when holiday meals are eaten
This mother's son won't be there, he'll never be there again

Grief, honestly sometimes a little anger fill this mother's heart
This mother doesn't question 'why?', why would she?
She's not going to get an answer, no one can tell her why

How can I get through the coming holidays
Be strong, everyone says.......... can you be so strong, I wonder?
I say it's easier to tell someone that if you've never lost a son

Don't tell me that, I don't want to hear it
My existence now, is pure proof that I've been strong
Just care quietly, you don't have to say anything

I can hurt while I'm strong, I won't go hide from pain
I will meet it head-on, cry if I need to
I've known pain all my life, but... I never lost a son before

I've lost almost every member of my family, but... never a son
My only child is gone, this is a whole different ballgame
I should have been the one to go first while he lived his life out

He should have lived to be a grandfather, the father he was
Of two precious children, though he was close to but, one
His little son should have grown up to have his daddy

Tommy's gone, Taban doesn't have his daddy
My son's gone, I don't have a child anymore
Somewhere a mother cries for her child... here, I cry for mine

I miss you, son... Love, Mama

1 comment:

  1. I can not imagine what it is like to lose a child. I hope and pray that the holidays will not put you back into the darkness. I don't have any answers but I am here for you any time you want to talk or if you want me to come over or you can come to my place. Just know I care so much about your pain and wish I could take it away. Love, Ms. Nancy
