Thursday, January 31, 2013

Twenty Eight Inches Of Snow! That Fly!

Snowing!  I took this photo when it began snowing ...January 2013

Twenty-Eight Inches of Snow ... Fall!
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

I looked toward the chimney of the little wooden house
The wind was blowing the smoke close to the ground
Meaning... I hope ... that snow would soon be on it's way

Tiny birds flocked to the ground, looking for tidbits of food
Another sign that ... hopefully ... the snow would be here
I've been waiting to see this snowfall coming our way

I wish it would get here, I'm so excited... it's going to snow!
It's going to snow, it might snow twenty eight inches
I heard the weatherman say... twenty eight inches of snow today!

I could see the little wooden house as I stood on my back porch
The scent of wood burning  in the air, I closed my eyes to smell it
How beautiful that scent is... in my mind I conjure up a burning fireplace

People sitting by the fire, some standing to warm their backsides
Others warming, rubbing their hands together around the cosy fire
Excited as I am... we have snow on the way ... twenty eight inches!

I just saw my first snowflake, one of many snowflakes to come!
The snow's coming, the snow's snowflake at a time
No.. I see hundreds more snowflakes falling through the air

Like little ballerinas dancing .... twirling, flying through the air
I run to make a cup of hot chocolate, get warm.. cosy
Sit by my window to watch ... twenty eight inches of snow ...fall!


That Fly!

By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

It sat there looking at me
I wondered how it survived
The freezing temperatures outside

The day was warmer
I opened the doors, windows
To let the fresh air in

It moved here, there inside
My pup caught sight of it
Began to chase it

He jumped into the air
Came down on all fours
With that fly in his mouth!


  1. I like snow but not that much at one time! Ha! You do have an imagination and a good one at that! It does sound pretty all those snowflakes falling and twirling around. Maybe we will get a few flakes before winter leaves us before the season is over. Love, Ms Nancy

  2. I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!

  3. I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!
