Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I Was Happy, Relieved... Sad... All At The Same Time!

I Was Happy, Relieved... Sad... All At The Same Time!
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

My only son, Tommy ... with his little son.  Tommy died May 29, 2010... I miss him with my heart.

Today, Skip called me to tell me he had something to tell me.  He didn't want it to upset me.

I was instantly alarmed... became more so, when he said, "I stopped at a rest area"......  When he said that, I was afraid.  Skip survived colon cancer... I was afraid he was going to tell me he saw more blood.

I waited for him to go on.  He began to tell me that he saw a Celadon truck... he parked beside it.  He saw the driver doing stretches outside his truck.  He began talking to the driver.

Skip told him about Tommy working there.  The driver asked him what his name was... when Skip told him.  The driver began to smile.  He told Skip that he and Tommy were friends... that Tommy was a 'helluva' guy; good guy!  He thought a lot of him.

He also, added that the ladies loved Tommy.  We knew that... they always have liked Tommy.  Not only was he handsome... he talked softly... and had a twinkle in his blue eyes... like the sunshine on a cloudy day.

He said he saw about Tommy passing away in their company paper.  He and Tommy worked on the high-risk loads... liquor and cigarettes.

While Skip was talking... saying it is a small world, and such... I was thinking about Tommy.  My eyes filled with tears, and I began smiling.  I wasn't upset... Skip is afraid to mention Tommy's name... fearing it could put me in a depressed state... darkness.

I told Skip I was glad he told me... I loved hearing something that had to do with Tommy.  It warmed my heart.  I told him that I had been afraid he was going to tell me he saw blood... because he said he was at the rest area, and he didn't want to make me upset.

I was relieved... happy, sad... all at the same time!
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  1. So glad it brought a smile as I'm sure Tommy would want you thinking of him with a smile. Perhaps that man crossed skip's path for just that remind you that Tommy is never far away!....hugs!

  2. How you felt is totally understandable! I knew Tommy and I have to say I agree with what you said about him. He was handsome, soft spoken, had beautiful blue eyes and all the ladies loved him! I can say you are one mother that has not lied about her son! Most mothers say that about their children no matter if others think that is true or not. Your statements are true! Love, Ms. Nancy
