Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Thoughts, Yours ... Now, Wrapped Into One

My Thoughts, Yours ... Now, Wrapped Into One
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

Artwork on chair, and box on the chair by me ... Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee


I moved around the room

Lingered over various objects

Stopped on one in particular

I don't have the power to open it

I surround it with lots of love

Caress it with the breeze

I'm but, a thought in the air

It's your photo in a locket, I want to see

Unless my body helps me ... I can't

Open me, the locket seems to say

Look at me, know that no matter what

I'll always love you

I'm but, a thought in the air

Another thought came from nowhere

It wasn't me, I looked at it in interest

It said to me ... I'm gone, now

I can't come back

Excepting in a thought, I can

I can remind you how I love you

Let you know you aren't alone

Though you can't see me

I wrapped myself around that precious thought

Held on tight as I came back to my body's mind

I held on for comfort, it was all I had

You are gone, your thoughts still here

You left them with me, when you had to go away

My thoughts, yours ... now, wrapped into one

NOTE BY AUTHOR:   I think I was inspired to write this when I read a poem today ... that a woman wrote just after her husband died.  I could feel her loss, pain ... grief.

Photo/poem are both owned by me (poem written by me)... Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee


  1. Wow so beautiful! It makes me think of two of my best girlfriends I have lost in the past few years. There is not a day that goes by when something I see or do will remind me of one of them and either sit and laugh with happy tears, or feel alone and missing them so among the many tear I shed. Thanks for sharing

  2. I thought about some people I have lost in the last few months. That is a beautiful poem!! Love, Ms. Nancy
