Sunday, December 4, 2011

Homeless man in Yuma, Arizona....

Skip and I were in Yuma, Arizona to pick up produce and as we were driving through town we saw a homeless man that for whatever reason... touched my heart.  We had just bought sandwiches and drinks to enjoy on our drive and both of us looked at each other and knew where those sandwiches and at least one drink was going.  He stopped the big truck and I called to the man and asked him if he would like to have some hot sandwiches and his eyes lit up and a big smile came on his face as I handed the sandwiches down to him and a drink.  He told me 'thank-you so much!'  We drove on feeling good inside because we made someone happy.  We did that many times during our travels... sometimes getting a room for someone... and giving them money to eat.  If we were millionaires, we would make alot of people happy... we would listen quietly and 'know who' would need help or something good to happen in their life.  It would happen and they wouldn't have to know that we made it possible.  We don't need a pat on the back each time we do something good for someone.  Yuma, Arizona was an interesting place to go to, we went there regularly.  I wouldn't want to live there... too desolate for me.  Also.............. everything is the color of 'sand'........ I need colors in my life.  Crying In The Desert Because..................

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