Monday, July 1, 2013

Come Home Trucker... Come On Home

Come Home, Trucker... Come On Home
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
(Written For/Dedicated To My Husband, Skip).....

I looked deep into your eyes
You didn't see
As tears came into mine
I saw fatigue, weariness there

I worried for you as you stepped up
On the top step
Of the big truck you drove
East coast to west coast

You don't know that as I look at you
I'm saying prayers for your safety
Imagining a gold ring
Of protection around you, your truck

One that would stretch, follow you
No matter where you went
Never leaving you unprotected
Keeping you safe, sound

I watch as you drive off, waving at me
I feel the pangs of loneliness
I choke back a sob
I missed you before you drove away

Will I see you again... will you come back home
I begin crying inside, the thoughts hurt me
Make me afraid ... I feel panic
I want you to come back safely

To me, your Pups, your home
To be with us, to play ... to watch tv
Drink your sweet ice tea
I want you to come home forever

Never go back out on a big truck
You've become older now
It's time to leave it to the younger drivers
Who are stepping into your shoes

Don't look back, let's go forward
To enjoy our older life
Go fishing, to the movie, a museum
Play with our Pups, live happily ...ever after

Lay your head on your pillow
In your own bed, wake up
To the sounds of home, happy sounds
That begin once you walk into the house

Welcome back home, my precious husband
You came back safe and sound
My prayers were answered
I thank you, God... with my very heart

It's time for you to retire from the road
Live out your life doing things you want
Be around the ones who love you most
Come home, trucker... come on home

1 comment:

  1. I know you will be glad when Skip gets home! I remember how it was to be married to someone that has to travel on their job. Prayerfully he will be home and not have to go out so far away from home anymore. Love, Ms. Nancy
