Monday, February 17, 2014

In The Back Seat Of A Car...

In The Back Seat Of A Car...
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee... Summer of 2013

I was very nervous.  I had been talked into going on a blind date.  I was fifteen years old.  I was beginning to date... lots of boys were asking me out.

My stomach felt shaky, my hands shook.  I wished I'd never said I would go.  I didn't know what to expect... nor did I know how my new girlfriend acted on a date.  Everything was a 'first'... for me.

I began to take deep breaths to calm myself... they would soon drive up to get me.  I told my mother to tell them I was very sick, almost dying... no one needed to see me, I'd go to my upstairs bedroom.  My mother laughed at me... she said 'Faye, it'll be alright.'

It was too late... they drove up... everyone got out of the car.  I wasn't sure who my date was... I'd never met her boyfriend, either.  Both guys were handsome... one medium height, the other taller.

I was introduced to the medium height guy with dark hair... this was my friend's boyfriend.  He smiled brightly at me, introduced me to his best friend, the taller guy with blondish-brown hair.  He smiled at me, took my hand in his.  He was a gentleman... he was also, older than I was... maybe twenty.

We went out to eat, drove around... ended up parking at a pond.  It was beautiful... I sat there looking at the pond, listening to the birds.  I was stressed... I felt so nervous.  The guy I was with sensed it... talked quietly to me.  I began to warm up toward him, talk to him with ease.

I turned around excitedly to tell my best friend something... immediately got sick.  My hands went to my chest... I had to get out of the car... I was going to throw up.  I felt like I was going to faint.

My friend never heard, or saw me.  What I saw completely turned me against her... I never saw her in the same light again.  I felt pain in my heart... I was embarrassed... angry all at the same time.

All I saw of her when I turned around was her legs up in the air... her boyfriend was in the throes of wild sex.  I didn't want to see that... I felt betrayed somehow, and I felt that was expected of me.

I got out of the car, bent over.  I was very sick.  I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder... I was afraid to look.  I didn't want to 'do that'....

The guy I was with, began talking in a kind, gentle voice.  Looking back... to that time... he was very understanding of a young girl who was naive about so much.  What he talked to me about, made me not be afraid of him.

Soon, my girlfriend and her boyfriend popped out of the back seat of the car.  Both had silly grins on their face.  I couldn't look at them.  I just couldn't.

That was the last time I spent time with my  new girlfriend.  I always cared about her, but... she did things I couldn't bring myself to do.

My Grandma Alma's voice rang through my mind.  One day, I had been visiting her... I told her I was going to double-date with my  new friend.  She asked me who my new friend was.  I told her... and the reaction to my new friend's name .... was awful.

My Grandma Alma told me exactly what she thought of that girl... she told me not to hang out with her.  She told me I hadn't lived there long enough to know the girl's reputation.  She said people would think I 'was like that'....

My Grandma Alma became angry when I defended the girl.  Her words were.... "Faye, she's a whore... she goes to the airport in Raleigh to sell her body to businessmen".  I couldn't believe it.  I was very innocent...

That day I knew my Grandma Alma was telling the truth.  I knew somehow... that wasn't my new friend's ... 'first rodeo'.  It wasn't her first time in... the back seat of a car.

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  1. You've gone through some pretty horrifying experiences, Gloria.

  2. They make good stories to tell ... now. :))) The things have happened so long ago... there's no longer any pain to most of them.

  3. I am sorry you had to go through so much. Apparently the "new friend" wasn't anything but what your Grandma Alma told you. If she was anything any good, she at least would wait until she was in private to do that. In the car? On a double-date? That is the pits! Love, Ms. Nancy
