Thursday, June 13, 2024

Regardless ... Life Goes On ... So Do I

Photo owned by Gloria Faye Brown Bates  2024

A new day of going forward only, no looking back. Letting go of sad, painful things ... accepting reality. This is where Life gets good again once all negative has been removed.

I can still love, care, respect the people I've removed from my life ... after so many years in a rut, one really does need to let go ... understand these people are good people ... they haven't moved on maybe not wanting to, maybe not being able to. Whatever ... I can only respect them ... and move on in my life.

Regardless ... Life does go on ... so, do I. Gracious ... the relief one feels when finally letting go of negativity.  I can take deep breaths of air again ... that's a wonderful feeling.

Sometimes ... I hurt, punish myself trying to do good for others ... trying to treat others how I would like to be treated. For the past five years I have done that ... I am so thankful to let go, let God.

A lot has happened in the past month, none of it good ... but, such good things have happened because of the bad. Life really is beautiful. 

I have been humbled so much from recent events in my life ... like never before in my life. One day I will write about it. For now, I can't even talk about it for the pain, grief ... the good thing is all the positive ... the good people who have been there for ME. 

I found I needed each, everyone ... most of all I am so thankful for them. I have finally learned one of the hardest lessons in Life for ME ... that's to ask for help doing something. I have learned this lesson in the most painful way possible.

I learned this lesson in such a way as to humble me like never before in my Life. We aren't ever too old to learn.  Mentally, physically this has changed Me.