Monday, September 2, 2013

You Had Better Act Like Somebody...

You Had Better Act Like Somebody...
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

Going out into the world daily, I see some of the nicest people in the world.  I know there's not a mean bone in their body.  I see such warm smiles, kind words... actions even nicer than their smiles, words.  They'd never hurt a 'flea'.  Everyone 'acts so nice'!

There's no way possible... they are ever mean, ugly... real.  They are like that... all the time.  Those good, sweet, kind, perfect... wonderful people.  I wish I could be ... like that.  I am just... me.  I can be so nice... sometimes, I'm not feeling like being nice.  Darn it... it's hard to be something... I'm not.

That's 'why' I'm the first person to tell you ... I'm not perfect... I'm just not perfect at all.  The only thing I have going for me is... I really try to be a good person... the best person I can possibly be... all the while making mistakes, learning to the day that I ... die.

Doors are opened for others... 'let me get that for you'.  Why just yesterday... Skip ran into a situation that... wasn't acting.  The man was ... really 'himself'... without a mask.

Skip was at a store, getting ready to walk outside.  A guy in front of him walked out the door, as Skip began through the door... the door slammed on him, knocking his drink out of his hand.

The man in front of him ...never bothered to hold the door out of courtesy... for just a second until... Skip could also, make his exit.  Skip made a sound... the man turned around, told Skip he was in a hurry, went on about his life.

The man never acted like he was a nice guy... he was really what he was... he didn't pretend.  He didn't care if anyone saw him for the real person he was.  He was a ... turd.  Yes, he was a... turd.  Shame on him.

Most people are like this... but, in public we try to hide it... we try to project ourselves as the 'nicest person in the world'.  That man must have given up ... pretending.  Even if we don't feel nice... we should pretend we are.  I'm not saying to the extent... someone would take advantage of us.

I'm glad I wasn't there... I would have smiled at him, softly told him what he was.  I would have been nice about it.  Guess what?  I would have my 'sweet, nice mask' on.  I would be acting... nice, when in fact... I would be just before being... ugly.

I can say this too, in all honesty.  That man didn't know he could have gotten his ass kicked... all he saw was an older man coming behind him.  He probably intended for that door to hit Skip.  Skip could have reminded him of something he didn't like in his own life.  Maybe his 'old daddy'... or old grandfather he hated.  Maybe ...he hated his 'old ass' ...self.

I think people make a mistake when they 'see older people, assume they are 'weak'.  I think they make a mistake... when they make this mistake.  Knowledge, experience 'got that older person this far'......

Haven't you heard on the news how criminals sometimes, meet more than their match when they rob 'an old grandma'... go to beat up 'an old man'.  They get their ass kicked... and some more.  I love it.

My advice is... you never know what you're going up against... someone might be 'old'... but, it's knowledge, experience that counts.  You might get more than you bargain for.

Some 'old' people know how to fight back... you don't know what you're messing with.  Some of these 'old codgers' might know martial arts; they might be veterans... who fought for your 'little boy or little girl ass' when you were a child ... for your freedom.

Then... some of you grew up to 'rob them, murder them'... after they fought for the world you live in.  Yeah... they fought for 'your freedom'... just so you could murder, rob, or humiliate 'them' one day when they are 'old'.  Shameful...  You 'act like' you care, love, respect them... all the while... waiting for them to become weak.

Sometimes, it gets into some younger people's minds... 'older people don't need what they have anymore... they are old; they could die any day'.  I need it... I can do a lot with their things to make my life better.

They begin to plot, to plan, to slowly 'take'... by 'acting' like they're somebody.  It could be a lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, daughter, son, grandchild... a 'loving one'.  It's easier to take what you want... if you ...act like somebody.

Strange enough... others can 'see' it.  The person who is 'old' doesn't see it... they just want to be loved, cared about.  They want to believe in someone who is 'acting like somebody' they know... loves them.

I think you, like me... love it when an 'old' person gives somebody 'bad'... what for.  I love it when an 'old' person's eyes 'open'... and they begin to see through others... see that the people who 'acted like they loved them'... are deceitful, dishonest.

Especially when in life they... 'use their position in life'... to deceive to take from an older person.  This could be a pastor, a fireman, cop, christian... whoever.  I love it... when 'their acting' can be ... seen through; they are no longer trusted; no longer 'well-thought' of.

I love it when an old person kicks somebody's ass... when they come up to physically assault, rob, murder them.  I love it when I see evidence of 'their ass getting kicked'.  I love it when 'they get it good'...

Acting... it seems that 'acting' is what makes the world go 'round.  If we act like somebody... we gain in life.  Just depends on what, who you act like to gain trust, material things.  We've all been guilty in one way or other.

We've all acted to be 'somebody, something in this life in order to be accepted'... pretending the whole way.  That's 'how doors are opened' to us.  How many 'real people' do you ...know?  Sometimes... we hate the people 'who know us as we really are'...........

So, think about what I wrote above... acting to deceive a person into thinking someone loves them... when there's no love there... only ...greed.  I know a lot of people like this... I recognize them if I don't know them.  Don't you?  I know you do.

I think this is one of the most awful things we can do... unless the one who 'acts'... acts it all out in a 'good' way, never hurting, harming another.  How many times does that happen?

How many times a day do you smile, be so honey-sweet to people when you would like to tell them what you really think?  You have to if you are going to be out in the world... you are... going to have to act.  You are going to ... have to pretend you are something... you really aren't.  Do you know why?

Because, you'll be shunned... people will go in an opposite direction when they see you coming... if you don't 'act right'.  Watch people's expressions when they 'see you'... if you sense they're thinking 'oh no! it's you... again'!  You are probably sensing ...right.

Even I have sensed that through time.  I don't think there's a person who hasn't sensed that.  No one likes 'you'... all the time... no matter how pretty, sweet, 'good'... you are.  Sometimes, I like 'mean' people... sometimes, I like 'ugly' people.  Sometimes, I hate 'everyone'... no matter 'how they act'.  We all are like that.

I smile inside because when I see people I know... out in the world 'acting'.  Why?  Because, you hear people say, 'isn't that the nicest person'?  I'm knowing probably that's the 'meanest man, woman that ever walked in two shoes'.

What's funnier... really isn't fun-ny... is when people say that about people we all hold in high esteem... and 'we know better'.

I can look back through time... and remember 'people who were the best christians, and even a pastor'... who chased a little girl I know personally... to do things... 'ungodly'.

I am sure all of you can look back, remember such things in your own life.  Just because you say 'someone is a cop, pastor, doctor, lawyer, fireman... so on, so on'... doesn't mean they are all 'good'.  We all have to 'act a part' when we go out into the world.  If not... you'll be shunned.

There's always a 'bad apple' in ... everything.  Always remember that... open your eyes... and you'll spot it no matter how 'pretty, shiny, spotless' it is. The better it looks... the better it hides to deceive others.  Think about a serial killer... that's how they do to get their victims... they appear 'perfect' to everyone.

Nothing is perfect... I know... at one time in my life... I really tried to be; I couldn't.  Keep an eye out for bad apples... they're rotten to the core... don't believe me?  Just bite into it.....

So, if you get up feeling bad, feeling as if you 'hate the world'... you had better think twice.  In our world ... you'd better 'act like somebody'... whether you like it ... or not.  Act 'like somebody... even if ... you aren't'.

I suggest acting like a good person... even if you aren't.  You might fool yourself into believing you're a good person... before you know it... you might be one.  Acting, believing is how we develop habits... now, all I got to do is to 'act thin'... that's the habit I have forgotten.  :)))

I'm going to try my best to act like somebody... myself.  Hopefully, I can ... act in a good way, be real.  I don't like to fool people.  So, I'm going to act like somebody... Gloria.

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