By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
Photo Credit: Photo is owned by #Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka #Granny Gee
Sometimes... I stop, think about friends, and real friends. There is a difference in the two.
Friends are the people you choose to be friends with in 'everyday' life.
Real friends... are rare. In each person's life... I bet they have less than five... real friends. This is my personal opinion... 'you' may have more than that... 'you' may think you do.
In real, everyday life... friends make up our very world. Real friends... make up our very world... they overlap into our life that everyday people don't know... exist.
Real friends know the things we hide from everyday people, friends in general. They can know when we cry... when we are upset about something... know when we go through hard times, not wanting the whole world to know. They know a lot of our... secrets.
I can honestly say... without a doubt, that both Skip and I have four such ... real friends. We can count them on our hands... one hand each. One... two... three... four. They are only so close... as close as we could allow anyone to be... in our life.
Our privacy is very important... we learned to treasure it. Through time when we wished for a big family.... and lots of love... no one was there, especially after they got things they wanted... that was the end of them. No one was there, when each of us became deathly ill, almost died.
We learned that we could trust, depend on only the other. We didn't want from the other... we wanted to give, take care of us... our Pups. Now... our whole world is in front of us at any given moment... Skip and I, and our three Pups. We can turn our head... our whole world is 'right there'.
We know we are loved; we don't have to worry about someone loving us 'one moment'... not caring the next moment. We are real... we aren't like that. It doesn't matter if someone can 'give us something... or not'. A lot of people will 'love' you... as long as you keep giving....
Our 'bestest' real friend is gone. He died May 29, 2010 with 2 blockages to his heart. He was my son... Skip's son, just as well. He and Skip were very close. He and I were very close... we all three were... most close. We were... 'tight'... if the other suffered... we all felt it. We would give each other the moon... if possible.
A huge part of our life died ... with Tommy. He meant the very world to us. We meant the very world to him. I miss Tommy with my very Heart. At this moment... I could sink to the floor, sob with deep grief for him. I won't... I've learned somehow, to cope with his death. I had to learn on my own.
I thought about real friends because... I was thinking of who seemed to care about us the most. We never bother anyone... we never ask anything of others... yet, there are four people who seem to know without really knowing... when we are hurting; when we need something; who care.
They don't have to ask us if we need something; they seemingly know. It's like us... we don't ask when we give people things to help them... we 'just know'. We find a way to do it without hurting pride. It hurts when we see someone in need... and we are in need at the same time... and we don't have something 'to make things better' for them.
We have given to others... half what we have, giving the best to them. They don't have to be our friends... we see 'need'. We care. I truly wish we were rich... oh, the difference we could make in this life.
I failed at 'saving the world' as a young person... when I thought I could. I could 'save the world' ... around me, now... if I were rich.
I think 'saving the world' means... 'save the people you see around you who need, suffer... wish. Each person could do their part... by looking around them... can you imagine? Sadly... people aren't like that... most are about 'me... me... me'.
There was a time... when we... did make a difference in the lives of strangers, homeless people... family. Those days have long since gone.
I miss doing 'wonderful things' to make someone happy. I miss seeing pure joy, happiness in the eyes of someone I did something 'good', for.
I see people who need... and it doesn't take a lot to bring pure happiness into their life. The sad thing is ... we don't have it to give. We can only share what we have... wishing we had so much more to give... to make someone happy.
One of the greatest joys in life, in my 'Gloria Opinion'... is giving... and if possible... make someone's dream come true.... without any strings attached.
Just tell them to ... pass it forward, without any strings attached.
Gloria you are the most giving and loving person I know! Anyone would be very fortunate to have you as a for real friend!!! I know you mean the world to me. I love you like a sister and a best friend. I know you would love to save the world from its misery but we as human beings can't do that. You and your husband are very special to me. Love, Ms. Nancy