Written by Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
Just because you don't see anything doesn't mean it isn't there. By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee.
John jumped up ... pure rage, fire burned in his eyes. His fists were balled, he was going to kick somebody's ass. Son of a bitch! Mother f____! His f______ nose was broken and the pain was more than he could bear.
He turned around ... and around. John didn't see anyone! Where did that mother f_____ go! He needed to kill something. The f_____ pain was too great to contain. He saw the dog, walked toward it. The poor dog cowered ... peed on itself. It knew the man was going to hurt it again.
Just as John went to grab the dog he felt somebody slap him upside his head. His cuss words pure tangled together he was so angry. White froth came out of his mouth. You son of a ... mother fu___ son of a yee yow yellow .... John had never known such anger. The fires of hell raged in him.
He heard a chuckle on his right side ... he spun around. No one was there! He spun around again. Where was the son of a bitching mother f______!
John was very dangerous now. Let some bastard come into view he'd rip their heads off, piss down their necks and whatever else he felt like doing.
He backed up ... looking around. He couldn't see a damn thing. Another chuckle sounded. Sounded like a damn woman. That couldn't be ... women don't like to get their asses kicked.
John felt a tap on his shoulder ... froze. He took a couple of breaths ... turned around. His eyes took in what stood before him ... he was confused. What the hell? He shook his big-old head not believing what he saw ....
Continued to ... Part 3
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