My Gloria Opinion .... Words Are the Needles that Weave Our World ...........
Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
Good morning! I am going to give my Gloria Opinion on some things.
I feel every rescuer who participated in the rescue of the Thai soccer team (12 boys and their coach) ... should all be given something so special for risking their lives. This includes the wife of the diver who died while helping rescue them. Also, the woman who lost her rice paddy because of all the water ... she said the boys' lives were worth more than rice. She could always grow rice but, the boys couldn't be grown back.
I also feel every boy who has gotten a second chance at life because they were all surely doomed to die ... get an education and diving/swimming lessons so they can go on to do good things with their skills. They've had to go through such trauma for a young age ... and it will contribute to all they feel, do for the rest of their lives. This includes their coach who shared his rations with them, became very weak from not eating. He cared, loved those boys.
These are 13 people plus rescuers who will always share a forever bond ... it should always be recognized ... never forgotten. Just as the diver who lost his life after taking oxygen to them on his way out of the cave.
Why do I say this? Because they are special and for some reason, this has happened ... and each of them will realize this in their lives. They could go on to do wonderful things and people will know them from what they experienced. We pay attention to people who have almost died, lived to tell about it.
Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we find out soon in life ... 'why?' Sometimes ... it takes years to learn ... 'why?'
I am amazed at just right after the coach was brought out ... the water quit pumping! Do you realize that they all were brought out just in time? How about the perfect timing getting all of them rescued? Just in the nick of time.
Another strange thing I learned ... the diver who died on his way out while taking oxygen to the boys ... no one knows 'why?' he died. He quit breathing.
If you get a chance to watch this on 20/20 ... please do. This has affected me from beginning to end. Why? I can't answer that ... it's one of those things that captures one's attention and it stays on their mind until all is resolved.
I even had a hard time breathing as I watched the divers inside that narrow cave passageway ... I felt deep inside for each person, rescuer and victim alike. For some reason, I cared with my very Heart for people I didn't know across the world from me. I cheered, cried when the last one was brought out of that cave in Thailand.
I'm sure each one of you reading this has experienced such in your life at one time or other. You get so involved mentally and sometimes, you are at the right place/time to even help ... when such tragedies happen. I don't have the skills to help in such a rescue ... I did say many prayers that were so Heartfelt they hurt me. I believe in prayer and the miracles prayers create.
You might believe in God, prayers ... you might not. You believe in something though. We all have something we believe in that drives us ... gives us comfort. As long as you believe and all is good even when it's bad ... it must be right.
That's another one of my Gloria Opinions. I respect your opinion as you respect mine and ... I will never waste time arguing something no one can prove is right, wrong. For these people who think they know for certain what's going to happen when we die ... I say ... you are entitled to your beliefs. Don't push them on anyone unless ... you have physical evidence to show them to change their minds.
The reality, truth is ... no one knows, not even you. We all form our own beliefs as to what will happen when we die. Personally ... and I won't argue it ... I believe we live Hell here on Earth ... as we learn our Life Lessons the hard way. I believe in God, Heaven but not the kind of Hell some people preach ... I believe Hell is like Karma ... you reap what you sow.
Anyway ... this is my belief and whether you think I'm doomed for your kind of Hell and groan ... it's okay. Why? Because I don't believe like you do and those kind of feelings have no power over me. You are the one who is groaning, suffering, feeling fear because you learned to believe your way. Am I going to tell you that what you believe is wrong? Oh no! Why?
Because how do I know? How can I tell you something I have no proof of? Think of that before preaching to someone ... have proof or something to show, tell to others so they have something to think about to help them determine what they decide ... to believe.
Above all ... if you want to force someone to go in the opposite way of God, church, shun you ... just shove your beliefs down their throats. You lose a friend ... someone you tried to bring to God ... all because you aren't going about it all in a good, kind way. Oh ... they might even know you better than you think they do ... they just might know ... you aren't so good in your private life ... they might just know ... your actions don't reflect your words ... they might just know you are trying to make people think you are so good ... and you are just an asshole in your personal life. Yes ... I said that ... you could be just an asshole ... thinking you are fooling someone. We all know people like that ... only the people who are real assholes will take offense that isn't meant at all ... it's what I believe. I won't argue with you ... period.
If you want others to believe in God ... let your words, actions reflect a light that will attract attention in a good, calm, quiet way. Nothing goes unnoticed even when you think it does.
The truth is ... actions do speak louder than words. Words are as valuable as gold ... in our world ... we have to have words to communicate whether we have gold or not.
Have you ever told someone you were going to do something? Then ... your actions reflected you spoke only words ... nothing happened ... you didn't do what you said.
Words are gold until you turn them into a worthless pile of broken bricks ... who wants your words if you can't back them up with action? Personally, I never trust you again and don't like liars. I'll be nice to you while the thought of your lie is in the air between us ... good things thoughts can't be seen in a physical form as we stand in front of the other!
We each have to live Life our own ways and try to do the best we can ... be as good as we can. Sadly ... there are always some that thrive on being completely the opposite ... they love pain, grief, suffering, inflicting it on others. Hopefully you ... me ... are the good ones who make small differences in this big, old world. Truthfully ... the most important things in Life are ... love, caring, kindness ... and only the 'bad things' that help good to happen.
Sometimes ... it takes growing older before one learns this ... because of being caught up in having the best car, clothes, home, money ... I've been there, done that. I learned the hard way ... now, since learning my lessons through the years ... I would love to have the finances to take my worries away to go along with knowing what I know now. I would definitely do good things to help others in a financial way. For now, that hasn't happened.
I do have my words, hands, feet, eyes, ears ... and my mind ... I'm so thankful for them. Pure grateful when I look around me ... I don't have a lot ... yet, I really do. I don't take anything for granted. If you do ... be careful. Life has a way of ... showing your ass. Yes, that's right whether you like it or not ... take something for granted and you will surely lose it ... to teach you a valuable Life's Lesson. How many times have I learned ... the hard way?
I always remember this being the quickest time for my words to come back to ... bite my ass. I had taken for granted I was living good and flying high as a young woman. I remember well the conversation on the phone with my mother. I told her that I was never coming back ( I lived in another state). Well ... guess what? Something happened so bad ... I was on the way to her home the very next day ... I had no choice. Life taught me that lesson the quickest of any lesson I ever learned in my life. She had always told me then ... "Faye, don't fly so high you can't fall". Oh my, I learned what those words meant as a young person. Now ... I only fly as high as to know if I fall ... I'm close to the ground 

No matter how small a good thing you do is ... I promise you ... there's always someone who will think it is a big thing in their life, appreciate it so, so much. I know this personally. The tiniest things that happen in my Life mean the very world to me ... because like many people ... Life is harder when you are becoming older with a limited income, medical issues.
I don't mind someone writing what they think on this subject ... as long as it's in a polite, good way. Let me know what you think or want to share. I will talk to you.
I have only had a few people try to create chaos by being ugly ... I don't tolerate that in my world, I don't choose to. For you, for me ... I completely blocked, deleted them. They are the troublemakers in our world ... they are the ones who love to create pain, grief, inflict bad on good. Even if you don't agree with me in a good way ... I won't argue or try to change your mind. I will look at it in my mind, study it to see if what you believe will add to what I believe. If it does, I'll apply it ... if it doesn't ... at least I had a chance to think about it.
Most of all ... I will respect your beliefs. Everyone else will respect your beliefs. I can only say if they don't ... I'll block, delete them immediately.
How do I recognize those ugly, mean people who want to cause grief, pain? I grew up in it ... I learned all about being 'bad' ... the strange thing is I didn't want to be like that at all. I did get off on paths I shouldn't have gotten on as a young girl ... we all do because we are innocent, naive ... and what glitters, shines and beckons to us as young people we are lured to it ... to only learn Life Lessons the hard way.
I am so alert that I begin watching, reading and 'listening' ... to see if I'm sensing right ... when someone comments here. I have to ... you have to ... to keep ugliness out of your life here online.
Some people never have anything extra in their life to share to help others ... we do have a mind that can send good, positive thoughts ... a lot of us have hands, feet that can do only good toward others not ... hurt them. Our actions are as important as our words ... so actions, words are worth gold. Sometimes, words aren't needed ... actions do the talking. If you can't help someone ... don't hurt them. Just stay quiet, care ... they will sense that from you. Your eyes speak volumes ... I love those words. I forgot where I first read them many years ago.
It takes hands, feet ... to harm another. Example ... it takes a hand to shoot a gun ... it takes a hand to use a knife, feet to take one to do the bad things. You know ... the gun, knife, hammer ... can't get up to go hurt someone unless ... someone picks it up ... goes to inflict harm on another. A person has to ... put into action what the weapon ... does.
The list goes on and on. No ... you never thought of it quite like this? Think about it.
I do ... I'm constantly mentally walking around something to see it in different ways. This is my way of seeing ... it's okay if you see it another way. That's your belief ... I respect it ... I definitely won't argue it. A weapon is harmless ... until a person physically picks it up to use it. I've never seen one of my knives, hammer get up by itself ... to go do harm. It would be a helluva world if that happened! 

Oh, one more thing in my Another Gloria Opinion ... if you can't help someone in a financial way, a physical way ... did you know that you can say a few kind words that can put another person on Cloud 9 ... yes, your words can lift another up so high that they feel warmth in their hearts, have a soft smile on their face ... laugh at something funny. All because of ... your words.
You can stop someone's suicidal thoughts with calm, quiet, caring words. You can calm, comfort someone when they are afraid, upset with words. Words can cause a war ... we see how close we come to that every day on the news/tv. Words are most powerful. I pure love words ... they are the needles that weave our world.
Why? Because your words are like gold ... they mean everything when you express them ... there's always someone your words will ... mean the world to them. Someone is always listening ... how do I know? Because when I slip up to say an ugly word ... I look around ... there's always somebody standing there that heard!

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