Colors As I Go
only child
Boiled eggs
Don't call me Faye
I hate to be called Faye
I'm afraid of the dark
Middle age woman
Pain that reaches the soul.. can't be seen
Where did my youth go?
dying in a beautiful way
life is fragile
light on my path
my son
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Being Rewarded for Bullying, Being Ugly, Intimidation
(I wrote this article on my page at Another Gloria Opinion...)
Being Rewarded for Bullying, Being Ugly, Intimidation
Written by Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
Thinking about what I witnessed 2 days ago ... my Gloria's Opinion is ... I don't think you should be rewarded for for-real, nothing but, obvious ... bad behavior.
When you come in showing your ass, bullying everyone ... not answering questions but, returning questions back when you know better and you wouldn't tolerate it in your courtroom ... coming up with all kinds of childish things to get off subject when asked important questions ... it's not because you are stupid ... you are wanting to divert attention away ... I would go after the 'whys'.
People don't do that when they are telling the truth. There are people you don't want talked to ... why? Because they'll tell about the real you?
My Gloria Opinion is a bad one of you ... you represented yourself in a poor way showing your real colors ... when as smart as you are in your world ... you could have shown how good a person you were. You left me wondering if there was any good in you to show.
I was upset as a lot of America was ... watching you 'perform' in the most ugliest way I am seeing many Americans do now. You are in a position to influence others in a positive way ... you are one of the many role models for our young people and adults alike ... yet you failed. This is why so many people have taken to bullying others to get their way ... show their asses to intimidate, divert attention ... just walk all over everyone for your own desires.
Have you noticed people 'now' ... when asked to leave a job ... they refuse? It's like road rage where ... if you don't get out of my damn way I will run you over ... I will do anything I want to ... I am more important than you ... I am entitled to all I ever want, desire. Are you like this? If so, I am so sad for you ... the only way you will have friends is if you have money or something others want so bad that they'll lick your a___ for hoping for a tidbit from you.
I watched with fascination at this person act out in the most ugliest way ... no courtesy, respect for the ones in charge who talked nicely to him no matter how ugly he was. I watched, amazed at how ugly he was in public ... as educated, smart as he was ... and especially the job he holds and is seeking now ... did he not know the whole world, not just country ... is watching him? Wow, he didn't bother to ... hide his true colors ... at all!
He is a prime example of what I see in many people today. Maybe I should be a bad person to get what I want ... I don't have the things I could have obtained by being an attractive woman 'back in the day' like other women did ... why?
Because I don't have it in me to take advantage of others because they like me and would give me anything. Damn ... I have too much respect, caring for others ... I'm not a taker, I am a giver. I can't bulldoze over others to get what I want ... I can't live with myself if I go around being ugly. I think about what I've done, said throughout each day ... every night. If I hurt someone's feelings ... done something bad-wrong ... I feel pain. The next day I begin on making up for it.
Does that mean I'm perfect? Oh no, it doesn't ... I just try to be good, caring, honest as I can be ... I still don't do ... perfect. I just try to be the best I can be in any situation ... sometimes I don't do as much as I feel I want, should.

I am sure a lot of you recognize the person I speak of here. That's okay. I'm sure a lot of you approve of his behavior ... I've listened in fascination at the news showing how many people approve ... gracious! That says a lot about people 'today', too. Though so many approve doesn't make me approve ... I respect your opinions as I know things in your life that are different than mine ... help to shape you to what you believe, think.
I voice my opinions in the nicest way possible not to upset anyone as that isn't my purpose of expressing my opinion. I have the most respect for others, their beliefs even if I don't agree with them.
I don't argue politics, religion with anyone ... no one at all. Why? Because like me ... your experiences in your life shaped your thoughts ... today. Just like mine have shaped my thoughts, beliefs ... today. It's like two people who have separate medical issues ... they can't take the same medicines because there are other things affecting the condition.
I know when you come here to read you respect my opinions just as I respect yours. Here ... is a quiet place to come, read, leave if you are interested in anything I have to say. Ugliness isn't welcomed here ... this is a dead-end street to bring it ... it won't go any further as it wouldn't gain ammunition here to continue.
All you are going to find here is pure respect for you because I would know ... something in your life affected your thoughts, actions today. We can be friends, get along as we meet, remeet ... as we go our ways in Life. Good day.
Note by this author: article, photo of drawing are owned, written, drawn, painted by me (painted in nail polish!) ... Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Regarding the hearing for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Just Another Gloria Opinion: Regarding the hearing for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Note: I am sharing on my Blog what I wrote today on my Another Gloria Opinion page on Facebook. My opinions are just what the word implies ... opinions only. Many thing shapes, molds my thoughts ... I don't stay stuck on any one thing once new details are learned. I realize I don't know everything ... and there are many sides unseen by me. That's why I continually 'walk around things' in my mind ... feeling, sensing if there's something new I didn't see ... so I can change my thoughts if need be.
I am going to watch closely the hearing for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh this morning. Why? I'm not for anyone in particular ... truthfully, I wouldn't discuss it ... if ... I was. I don't discuss politics, religion with anyone.
The reason I'm watching closely is that I used to be a 15-year-old girl ... and today looking back ... I KNOW people today who did such to young girls ... but, they never have to worry about some girls who grow up ... they won't tell. Does that mean I'm on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's side? No ... but, it could be true ... and could most likely to really have happened.
If you are female ... look back into your secrets as a young person that you never-ever talk about ... that's all I need to say. You KNOW it's possible from your own experiences. We just don't talk about such. As young girls we experienced things we shouldn't have but ... they DO happen, always will happen to innocent people.
No one would believe the good judge or doctor, lawyer, teacher, preacher, priest, babysitter, cousin, uncle, grandpa, grandma, aunt, brother, sister, father, mother ... on and on ... could 'do such things' ... they are too good, too perfect, too godly to think otherwise. Oh my God, we KNOW Grandpa couldn't ever do such a thing! Yes, he can, has, will if ... he has been like that through time, gotten away with it.
YES ... they do such things. They aren't perfect 'just because they are a pillar of the community ... they are somebody important'. Just because someone wears a title, uniform ... doesn't mean they don't or never have done anything bad. Just because someone has the look of a clean-cut, beautiful person doesn't mean they can't be bad. That's how the wolf catches his prey ... he ... appears ... to be a good guy ... and when it's believed by the victim ... the wolf strikes.
Think for a minute about something ... if someone 'appeared to be what they really were, have been' ... could they get away with everything they do, did?
Really ... stop ... think about it ... could they? Do you like the idea of someone who acts 'high and mighty and as if they haven't ever done anything wrong' ... when you know they've done bad things and probably still doing them in secret?
Suppose when they go into most important jobs where it matters who, what you are, have been? For example ... priests, policemen, so on ... you want them to be for-real good people so they won't harm your loved ones, you ... anyone. They get into these jobs based on integrity, honesty, decency, so on ... I've never seen a job listing dishonesty, a person who does, has done really bad things.
These people are role models for our children. I'm sad to say our role models have changed drastically ... now, our role models can be ugly, rude in public ... not step down from jobs when asked to, tear down other people in public saying awful things just to sway others' opinions, the list goes on. Have you noticed today ... how people have changed? They aren't as nice anymore ... they don't mind being ugly. Of course, there are many, many people who still care about courtesy, manners, rules ... I am one of them to a certain extent.
I will break a 'rule' if I feel I need to ... yes, I will. 'Rules are made to be broken' ... I believe that old saying. I believe they are made to be broken out of necessity. People's lives are saved, good things come from that when a rule needs to be bent.
If I break a rule ... I would do it only in a good way to help not hurt ... only if it helps not hinders good things to happen. You see where I'm coming from ... I would do it in a positive way.
Does that mean I'm right? No, but ... you would to if it meant life or death, or good things that need to happen. Rules need to change to keep up with ... today, the present.
Suppose I was the only person left in the world ... I'm driving and have to stop at a red light ... I can't go anywhere until the light turns green ... it never changes ... does it mean I sit there ... forever? See, what I mean? I'm NOT going to sit there, waste time when all is okay for me to go. I'll do it safely, looking all ways ... just in case.
Sometimes ... old, outdated rules that don't apply to our present time ... should be broken. Yes, that's my Gloria Opinion. If I felt I should ... would I break one in a bad way? NO. Would I break one in a good way to help someone in distress? In a heartbeat, if it meant saving a life, preventing something bad.
So now the hearing has begun ... I have a very good impression of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at this moment. She appears to be credible ... she hasn't spoken yet. She appears to be everyday, normal ... not haughty, arrogant. I like that. People spoke, greeted her with smiles when she came in.
I have a feeling ... who ... is going to be caught in a web of lies woven over time fooling loved ones, the workplace into believing they are ... so perfect, good. Life won't be the same after this hearing. Yes, this is going to be interesting.
Oh, this might be a case of something I always cautioned my son as a young man against ... I always told him not to do anything 'now' ... because things have a way of coming back at the most inopportune time 'to bite you in the ass'. Then after telling him I would look him straight in the eyes and ask him ... would you want something ugly you've done in the past to come back when your life is good ... to destroy it?
Well ... these are my thoughts, opinions only. I am not an expert at anything ... even in my own life. I'm constantly learning, changing my opinions if I see better to sway them. I try to be the best person I can ... I'm not perfect. I care about everything.
I just looked back up at my tv screen directly into Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's face ... she still hasn't spoken ... yet, looking at her something tells me she is ... honest, a good person. We'll see if I'm right. She is credible ... I listened to her speak. I like her ... she comes across as honest.
I won't say my opinion on Judge Brett Kavanaugh ... so far I sensed dishonesty. I won't go on to say bad things about anyone.
It's sad ... but ... there is going to have to be one out of these two people ... who is going to be believed ... the other's life may be destroyed. That's why young people need to be careful in their actions as ... young people/teens. Things do have a way of coming back to 'bite you in the ass'.
Again ... this is only my opinion ... you have to form yours. I respect your opinions as you respect mine. I don't argue with anyone ... you will have to go elsewhere. Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee.
Monday, September 3, 2018
I Wish I Knew Everything!
Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
Have you ever been too smart to learn? Too smart to listen, learn from others? I believe that comes from being so smart having accumulated so much knowledge ... there's no room in your mind to add anything else.
What do you think? We all know someone who is like that ... probably a lot of ... some ones. I do. Through time when younger I ... thought I knew it all. I had to do it my way.
Thankfully as I matured I realized it would pay to listen, learn from others. I made room in my mind to learn. Learning, exposing oneself to new things is wonderful.
Of course, I haven't learned everything ... which is a good thing because I would hate to become bored with Life thinking there's nothing else new in it.
I do become sad when I see someone banging their head against a wall all the time trying to figure out 'why' this went wrong, that went wrong. When someone points something out to them ... they pay it no mind and keep on the same path they're traveling until after much wasted time ... boom! The answer comes to them ... it was the answer someone gave them months before. It took that long for the information to travel to their brain ... what do you think?
Or maybe they discarded enough old information and left a little room for something new to reach their mind. Who knows? I don't even bother to worry myself about it ... but, I can't help but notice when I see it. I'm just glad I am open-minded and have learned ... I don't know everything, never will. I have lots of room to store new knowledge. Isn't Life interesting?
Just keep your mind open ... a closed mind has no room for any new ideas ... things you need to know in order to go about your everyday life.
Anyway ... this has to be your decision. I don't tell you what to do ... I write about how I think about it, my experiences. I do suggest though ... make room for new ideas, knowledge ... your life will be more interesting the more you know. I wish ... I knew everything!
Note by this Author: I don't think it wise not to listen ... one never knows what they will miss in Life to make it easier, happier. I'm guilty sometimes ... wishing I had been listening when I should have been. I'm not perfect.
Photo, story owned, written by Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee.
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