Thursday, August 22, 2024

Life ... Even When It's Bad Everything Is Going To Be Alright


Gloria Faye Brown Bates... 2024 ... sometimes this is the only way I can describe Life without words 🙂🙃🙂❤❤

I am sitting here watching the sunshine create little shadows, silhouettes on my arm. 

Why the fascination with silhouettes ... I have no idea only ... it's calming, special to look at the smooth shapes. Sort of like looking at a white wall ... both make me feel as if I need to find a pencil ... begin drawing.

As I sit here watching the little dance of sunshine on my arm ... I meditate. I think of all the many things I am most grateful for in my life. 

I am amazed at all the events that are 'bad' that happen,, have happened  ... always in the long run turn out to good, beneficial in my/our life. Even when it's bad ... everything is going to be alright. Strange, right?

Think about it ... really things most always turns out to be alright. 

I know at times such as the accident I had in May 2024 can completely ruin one's life, even to the point of losing one's life ... turn it upside down with so much scary, negative things ... 

I found my fighting spirit once again called into action ... oh my, I have needed it more than ever this time. It's there in full force and ... I am winning one Hell of a battle in my life. 

When, if you see ME ... you wouldn't ever know I am in fighting mode ... it's a very quiet, very painful battle that makes me cry in silence, sometimes panicking, afraid. It doesn't take me long to knock the fears away because I KNOW all is going to be alright. Every step is forward, never backwards ... never-ever backwards  ... not even one step.

I've amazed my doctors, nurses with my progress ... sheer will power and my legacy from my Grandma Alma ... my fighting spirit that's so much greater than I. This battle is going to be long, painful ... I can do it.

I take good care of Skip, Camie as I fight this battle day, night. I take care of myself. From day two after surgery ... I hit the ground running meaning to win another 'one of the biggest battles of my life'...

I haven't nor will I waste time feeling sorry for myself ... I won't sit whining and crying woe is me. 

My thoughts are solely on my purpose in my life ... caring for Skip, Camie and I. 

I am just so sorry my accident trying to do good things for Skip took such an unexpected turn changing our lives in an awful way for some time. It began with giving Skip a new bed, mattress .........

The good thing is ... the people who were there for us, Camie ... they are in my mind very special people AND I won't ever forget. I love them with my Heart. They are always in my Heart.

The good thing is ... I have turned our life back right-side up ... we have reached a point all is almost back to normal. 

I still have a long way to go ... go it I will, I've come through the worst and ... oh my God ... to be truthful I was very afraid I might not be able to this time. 

My body has fought many battles in this life ... this ranks up as serious as any battle I've fought. I see my way in front of ME ... I smile because if I can make it to this point in time ... I can make it the rest of the way. 

I am literally ... walking my way out of Hell ... this battle has taken ME there ... dumped me on the burning fires, left me to make it out ... if I can. I have made it out the doors of Hell ...

Well ... I am back ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Caring for Skip, Camie is my strength ... they are my very world.

I like this photo of ME because it speaks for itself ...  no words needed.  🙂🙃🙂❤❤ I love Life even when it throws ME onto the ground,  beats ME up ... I will get back up as long as I can possibly do so ... only this time I literally could not get up ... thank God for emergency personnel... only after surgery could I get up. 

Get up I did ... through undescribable pain ... I've come to this moment in time ... now, the present. That's what is wonderful, most important ... today, this minute 🙂🙃🙂❤❤ Yes, I am back. All I can say is ... oh my, my, my!

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