To Know We Have Righted All Things Wrong ...
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee/@GeeGranny
Bodies swaying as they danced
In beat to the music playing
Eyes closed ... in another world
Hand in hand, bodies close
In sync, perfect rhythm
Each body knows what the other wants
A step here, a dip there
Bodies coming back to touch
Tightly to one another, never missing a step
Love is in the air warming it in its glow
Two bodies loving one another
In every move they make
Becoming one, blossoming into two
Once again ... two have become one
Never wanting to leave the other's side
Love forming a lifetime bond
Soulmates finding each other
Perfect for no one else, perfect for them
Softly burning colors of red, orange, yellow
Warming one to the soul
Emotion filling each Heart
With a deep caring so much it hurts
Lay your head on my shoulder he says
Rest your mind knowing I'll protect, love you
Trust in me for I'll never hurt you
Never will I let you go
Laying her head on his shoulder
Closing her eyes in trust
Believing in him ... that was thirty-two years ago
Bond unbreakable, lasting a lifetime
Being young ... getting old
What happens if one loses the other
Like a faded rose and stem separated
Leaves fall off in sickness
The rose fades until ... it fades away
The beauty of love through time
Everlasting ... sadly there's an end
Nothing can change it when its time to go
Is that all we come to when we grow older
To lose our beauty our spunk in life
To leave our loved one behind?
We come to an end through sickness, death
Leaving our soulmate behind to grieve
Isn't it sad to know the beginning is just the end
Loving until we die ... no chance to practice
The things we learned life
No chance to do things over, make things right
Make things right where we went wrong
As a younger person ... never getting to say I'm sorry
To re-do things so, our minds could rest
Rest until the day we have to take our last breath
Have to go ... go knowing we did all things right
Leaving nothing undone
Couldn't we all go to our graves
Knowing we righted all wrongs
To make all right before we died
That would be the ultimate to carry with us
Into the ever after
To know we have righted all things ... wrong
Note by this Author:
I look around me ... look at myself, Skip ... I see us growing older. I see others growing older. Like many before me, I ask where did time go? We think we got forever ... forever comes quickly. I think of so much I have wanted to do, say ... never will get to do but, try to say.
I notice that at times I feel panicky. I become afraid. I worry about death because in my mind ... Tommy died so, that means 'anyone could die' if he did. I have been to the door of Death ... somehow, managed to escape it several times in my life.
I keep seeing a friend of ours in my mind. We lived next to him. I watched him worry about dying. He had emphysema, was on oxygen. When he'd see an ambulance come to pick someone up in the neighbor-hood he would walk outside, stand watching. He never knew I saw the fear of dying on his face.
When he lay dying, his wife began calling my name. I heard her, ran to their house. I went to the bedroom, saw him already 'in another world' ... I went to him speaking softly, took his hand.
I talked quietly to him telling him he was loved, and everything was going to be alright. The EMS guys came in, I walked out of the room. I was with him when he took his last breath. I went to his wife, held her as she cried. My Heart was breaking.
Later ... I watched her go downhill. She made her home into a tomb ... no sounds whatsoever. When I'd go knock on the door I would see her sitting through the window. Her life, her smile and energy ebbed away. Her soulmate had died ... she had died inside ... she was waiting for her body to catch up. She died soon-after ... on the path of dementia, then death.
I loved those people. They were elderly. I learned by watching how sad it is when one of them died ... how the other grieved. I cared with my Heart only I couldn't get to her to please be alright ... please keep her beautiful energy, smile. She faded away ... no one could stop her. Just as a cut flower dies ... she did.
The thought came to my mind ... is that all we come to after going through so much in life, learning so many lessons? We just die and ... that's it ... the end? Isn't it sad?
Skip and I are best friends, soulmates ... he and our Pups are my whole world. Yes, sometimes ... I become afraid ... no matter how old we get ... we always wish to live forever never leaving the ones we love.
Photos/poem owned/written by me .... Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee.
You and Skip are perfect for each other!! I dare anyone to say anything different! You and he are soulmates. I can't imagine one of you without the other. Love, Ms. Nancy