Wednesday, May 15, 2024

No More False Hope ... No More Crystals Tears On Our Cheeks

Written with pure love from my very Heart ... love mixed with such soul-deep pain ... bittersweet.  Photo of,  owned by Gloria Faye Brown Bates 

The ones tossing the tiny crumbs never see the magic their little  ... tiny crumbs create! They never see the sunshine come out on a rainy day! They never see the crystal tears rolling down lined, old, tired cheeks. They never know just how much one, two, three or more little words mean. Maybe ... they might not care?

Your crumbs when tossed randomly gives false hope that the past can be mended. When you stop ... you never see the elderly, sick, dying person ... slowly die just a little more. 

Each time... your crumbs of kindness just added one more nail in the ⚰ coffin. Each time there was an opportunity to put the past in the past where it belongs. You closed your eyes each time ... before long someone else will close their eyes permanently ... you will only add more torment to your soul until the day you ... last close your eyes. 

I grew up like that hating, angry at everyone who left me, hurt me ... but, I grew past that ... I forgave. No one can know the peace of mind that comes over one when they learn to forgive ... oh my, the difference it makes in one's life. 

The tiny crumbs of kindness is a thing of the past now. No more false hope, no more crystal tears flowing down a broken, tired of living elderly person's face. 

Life will go on ... I think of the old saying ... kill someone with kindness. It works when thrown out like a fishing line, jerked back just enough to inflict damage. It works! Good job ... you paid them back over a period of time when they showed their Heart to you. You did good.

Yes, life goes on ... I will now, step in ... pick up more pieces of our life that's been shattered because parts of pieces went flying all over the place too. As I'm picking those pieces of our life up, putting them back in place ... crystal tears will also, flow down my cheeks for things that could have been ... now, it can't ever be. 

I wished so hard my husband could have been inspired, motivated by your love to give him new life ... because it would have taken your love, forgiveness to do it. It never came ... I opened our life up to you for years ... now, I gently closed the 🚪 door. If I ever hear you knocking ... I will always ... open the door up to you.

For now, it's time to heal our Hearts, soul ... rest. We both are so tired mentally from wasted years to finally learn they meant nothing. This is to us another Life's Lesson we needed to learn. We learned to always love you, care no matter what ... that will be in our Hearts when we each go to our grave. Love, care, forgive ... this didn't break us ... we can still smile our bittersweet smiles.

Life is good ... everything will be alright ... our recent Life's Lesson taught us not to be weighted down by hatred, anger ... we can go forward after letting this go ... it has been let go. Now .. it's time to bury that dead horse my husband has been mentally kicking for these past years. 

I wish you, and yours only good ... happiness in all in your life. I send you love from my Heart you never took time to see, know. It's understandable... I know how Life is. Just know we have, still do have the highest respect, love for all of you. We are always here ... we still believe in miracles. 

I wanted to say this from my Heart ... from my viewpoint, I admire all of you. You are good people, family oriented, loving, caring. Anyone would be proud to have family like you. Take care as this is what I write to get the pain out ... this is a goodbye note, too. We are always here for as long as we live ❤ 💜 💛💚💙💚💙💛

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