Thursday, May 2, 2024

Something Miraculous Happened! This ... Turned Into That!

Oh my, my, my! It's a miracle! Photos owned by Gloria Faye Brown Bates ... what can happen once diagrams begin giving up their secrets ... May 01, 2024 ...  I Did It! All I can cay is ... Oh my, my, my! Wow!

Something Miraculous Happened! THIS ... Turned Into That!

(May 01, 2024 ... Wednesday)

I have been ordering from Montgomery Ward for many years ... on credit making a monthly small payment. 

This helps me when I need, want something that is a major expense.  Since Skip has been sick, living on a limited income and such ... I treasure my account.

Each year ... I will order several things from them. In my situation this means a lot ... I always make the small payment allowing me to order anything I want. 

The reason I mention this is I know I'm not the only one who has to be careful with money today. You may want to establish an account to get things needed, wished for when otherwise ... you couldn't on a limited budget. 

A month or so ago I was thinking of things that could bring some happiness,  something nice to really enjoy. I was looking through my catalog ... it hit me.

A glider with 2 chairs, table in between ... all made together appeared on one of the pages. 

My breath held for a moment... Skip Bates and I would sure love to walk outside on a warm evening ... enjoy sitting in a glider. Wouldn't that be so nice!

My mind was already on a big canopy that would provide needed shade in our little yard. Of course ... I, then, began to wish for both! 

Wouldn't that mean so much to both Skip and I to have much needed shade and ... glider chairs?

I told myself I would have to choose between one or the other not knowing if Montgomery Ward would approve my order.

I have been a customer for many years only ordering things like cooking appliances, once a fire pit ... such things ever so often. My payment has always been small ... I faithfully always paid it each month.

I decided I would call and see if possible I could order both the glider and ... the canopy! I kept telling myself that was too much to ask for ... then, I told myself I could ask and if they didn't approve ... it was okay. 

I knew I wanted the canopy more because the summers are brutal here now. 

Skip takes much longer to walk with my help from the house to the pickup. In the very hot sunshine that's not good for him. He also, can't see well now ... the bright light blinds him more.

I placed my call to Montgomery Ward ... talked with the lady. Not only could I order the canopy ... she said I was approved to order the glider chairs! I was so happy!

Oh my! After the call I sat there very much in a happy shock. My imagination began to play again ... I could see in my mind's eye us enjoying sitting in the glider chairs just gently rocking ... back ... forward ... back ... forward!

Not only that ... whenever coming out of the house ... Skip and I could have shade to shield us from the hot, summer sun! It takes some time for us to walk a short way to get in the pickup. Skip can't walk well ... the stroke affected his right side ... arthritis plays havoc on his knees.

I know this sounds silly to you who don't have a tight budget ... I used to never have to worry about the price of things either. 

When I tell these things in my life ... I hope it can not only give you entertainment... a good laugh if you feel you need to ... or inspiration ... hope ... know even if Life goes on ... you can too.

I know I will be in debt forever ... if I'm allowed these little luxuries now ... it's worth it. 

It's worth trying to make life better for Skip ... and of course,  myself. Now ... is what matters to make things better for Skip ... now, at this time. 

I will take care of ME at another time ... when it's time to. For now ... I make our life about Skip and about Miss Precious Camo Kissy Fairchild Camie. They both need ME to do that. I am, I will do all in my power to.

Well ... I decided to open the glider chair box ... it was very heavy. I couldn't wait to take the glider chairs out! 

In my mind I knew magically they'd come out looking like the picture! In my mind ... I would be sitting in one of those chairs in just a few minutes!

It wasn't to be! Oh my! Look at my photos and you will see ... it was all in little pieces! I recognized the two chairs ... the rest was a big package with a million screws, nuts, washers ... plastic pieces ...and metal bars to be put together... making the glider chairs! Oh my, my, My!

I sat down on the ground ... took the instruction sheet to try to make sense of it. Oh my, My, My.

All those lines, diagrams and such! OH MY, MY, MY!!!


OH MY ... I wouldn't be sitting in one of those glider chairs no time soon! I felt like a balloon ... deflated, all my joy just drifted away!

Well ... we know GLORIA ... when she is up against the wall ... backed into a corner... held down. It may take a while ... while it seems nothing is happening ... something IS happening... on the inside.

I sat looking at all the gibberish on the instructions thinking I need to ... have to get this chair thing put together somehow. 

I'd been promising Skip we would be be 'gliding' in those chairs! AND ... my mind said ... 'we WILL be gliding in those chairs one way or the other!'

The next thing I knew I had picked up the package full of a million screws and what not. OH MY! I got past the OH MY! and began to work. 

I am the greatest improviser since we began to live a different lifestyle ... OH YES! We were going to be gliding in those chairs one way or the other.

I bruised my hand ... damn! That hurt! That's all it took to set ME into motion. Anger at the mess before me... not knowing if I could make gliding chairs out of all those bars, screws and what not. Anger fueled ME ... pulling out my fighting spirit.

OH YES ...not OH MY anymore! Skip and I are going to one way or other have us a gliding chair. 

I was ready to improvise ... build the chairs as best I could ... just be sure to tighten all very good with the little wrench, and alum wrench included in that package of a million screws and what not. I didn't dare want us to fall out on the ground!

I began working, focusing, concentrating ... I began to see light ... my hands began to work with my mind as the diagrams began opening their big secrets!

Several hours later ... some tears ... cuss words ... a few bruises ... something miraculous happened! 

OH MY, MY, MY and a double OH MY, MY, MY! What is before ME?!!!

Beautiful gliding chairs, glass table ... all were magically assembled ... Oh MY, MY, MY! with my own very two aching, hurting hands! I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT!

Guess who went 'gliding' in those chairs? Yes! Skip and I were just a gliding in our new gliding chairs! OH MY ... OH ... OH MY, MY, MY!

Tommy M Sidden

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