Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Truth Is ... Today Isn't A Happy Mother's Day

Photos of my son, Tommy ...owned by Gloria Faye Brown Bates ... when I used to be a mother 

The truth is today isn't a Happy Mother's Day for me

Yes, I know many of you wished that for me

Not knowing... or knowing I don't have a child anymore

I mean how can I be wished a Happy Mother's Day 

Without a child, no one to call me mother

When you tell me Happy Mother's Day

I can't do anything but, smile, thank you

How can you know my child is gone forever

How can you know your words make me feel strange

I would rather no one to wish Happy Mother's day to me

Does that sound ugly ... I don't mean for it to

No one knows the confusion I feel because I just don't 

Know when a Mother's child dies ... what does that make her

I know when a spouse dies one becomes a widow, a widower

Oh my ... what am I without the only child I ever had

Just what do you call me ... I just don't know

I do know I hurt ... one can say I know what you mean

No ... no, you don't know what I mean

Your child is living ... you have a right for someone to say

Happy Mother's Day ... you have a right to your happiness

Today of all days ... be thankful, proud, happy

Your baby lives ... no matter how old

You have what I once knew, I once had

Now ... I can only feel pain, grief on Mother's Day 

My feelings are bittersweet when I remember my child

I've coped with the loss of my son

Why do I wish for no one to say Happy Mother's Day to me

Because it doesn't feel good to me ... I can't pretend to be

Something I'm not ... I'm no longer a mother to a child

Happy Mother's Day not to ME but, to the Mothers 

Today who have living, thriving, wonderful children

Who come home this special day

Am I bitter, angry because my child is gone?

Of course not ... just call ME bittersweet meaning

Though I'm sad, I miss my son ... I miss being a mother

I'm so happy for all the mothers with children

I can't help but, pay attention ... I can't help but, feel my loss

I can help by caring about others, wish good for them

Hope they never lose a child, never feel as I do

Never wonder what am I called when I lost my child

Never cringe when someone says Happy Mother's Day to me

Graciously,  politely thanking them with a smile

Feeling like an imposter ... someone with no child

This day isn't for me anymore ... I can only live with my

Memories of past Mother Days in the month of May

My son died unexpectedly in the month of May

Two weeks after my last Mother's Day

I can see my son now in my mind

His smile competing with the sunshine

Golden, bright with his strawberry blonde hair, eyes of blue

Saying to ME when I once was a mother

Happy Mother's Day! I love you! Hugging ME tightly

Messing my hair up as he loved to do then, stand back 

Laugh with his happy self ... while I fussed about my hair

Feeling such happiness in my Heart ... I was his mother!

I understand as once being a mother myself

We never think of mothers who have lost their child

We just don't ... as mothers we have our minds on our babies

On our life doing our motherly things

That's the way it should be ... making special memories 

Thank God for the memories I have of my son

That's all I have left of him ... my biggest memory being of a

A 6 ft. 3 in. guy with golden strawberry blonde hair, a even more

Glowing, beautiful smile ... soft voice, twinkling blue eyes

Funny as heck, always reaching out to tousle, mess up his mother's hair

He could laugh like the Cowardly Lion making me bend over with laughter

Argue with me over words letting the other know how smart we was

The last word we argued good-naturely over was 'precipice'

I couldn't believe he thought I ... didn't know that word!

The evening before my son, Tommy ... died just 2 weeks after my last

Mother's Day ... was beautiful,  made so much more special

As Tommy drove away ... oh my, we were waving up a storm, smiling

Bright as the sun never knowing that was our last smile ...

The last ... I love you, Mom! ... I'd ever hear him say in person

The last ... I love you, Son! ... as he drove out of sight

Tommy collapsed on the beach just in a short time after arriving in

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina ... he died with the last sounds 

Being his little 3 year old son's happy voice ... sound of sea gulls singing

Sound of the ocean waves splashing ashore ... 

Tommy never knew he had 3 blockages to his Heart at the age of 40

He had just called me not long before he died saying he'd call back in a little 

While ... the phone rung shortly after that call ... I looked at the Caller ID

My son was calling back so soon! I was smiling when I answered

The last thing I heard was a stranger's voice saying ...

Ma'am ... I have a man here collapsed on the beach, he's not breathing

Somewhere in a distance I heard someone scream for Skip ...

I heard a woman crying as she slipped into a shock never coming out of it for 

Several years ... I was a mother until that last phone call coming from my son's 

Phone ... I always thought about my happy mother's smile when I answered 

The last call from his phone ... as the stranger talked my last mother's smile 

Slipped away ... as I went from being a mother to whatever a mother is

Called when she loses her child 

This is my every Mother's Day each year since Tommy has been gone

When I used to be a mother ... I used to have a beautiful child, a son

I have memories now ... I thank God for my good memories of my son

No one could have loved my son more than I ... my son loved me, Skip

With his very Heart ... he and Skip were so close 

This is what goes through this real person's mind when Mother's Day comes

Around ... the truth is ... it's not a happy day for me

If, when someone tells ME Happy Mother's Day ... I will smile, thank them 

Like always ... why would I take joy away from someone who took their time to 

Wish me something so special? I wouldn't ... I never want to hurt anyone

The truth is ... I know pain of every kind ... no matter if someone's hurts ME 

Today ... I won't allow myself to feel anger, hard feelings toward them 

I know how fickle Life can be ... I know a life can be taken at any moment

I don't want to be another part of someone's pain, hurt

I will go on smiling, being gracious as possible even when I hurt until

It somehow goes away to the place all my pain goes to ... I have more love

In my Heart so, I don't  have room for negative to exist

Just know if you hurt ME ... you will be the only one living with the torment

I won't let it bother ME

The truth is ... as long as I try to do right, be good to people ... my Heart 

Is in the right place ... to ME that's what matters

I don't have room for bad feelings  ... 

I see I can go off track here at this very moment ... begin writing about other 

Things ... you all know ME ... when I write MY words are like a car ... it can carry 

Us down many roads  🙂🙃🙂💛💛


I wish with my Heart a very Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in this world. 

What I wrote about is what mother means to Me after my son died. Just know because I write pain, grief doesn't mean I'm not alright. 

I am fine ... only writing real feelings of a real person. I don't need sympathy,  pity ... I write to survive ... writing is my outlet so, I can live, go on. 

You can read, be entertained ... or if you need a big laugh, laugh by all means. If you want to feel, care .. that's okay ... you have a Heart.

I'm not the only mother living without her child. I care for how they feel. I am one of the fortunate ... somehow I made it through that darkest of dark journeys in my life ... I lived to tell it ... I almost didn't. 

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