Monday, May 20, 2024

You Are Too Ugly, Fat to Be Any Good To Anyone

Photo owned by Gloria Faye Brown Bates ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š  Life ... people fascinates me. I don't forget I am a person, too.

Some people see a big, fat man ... woman whose face, body isn't beautiful.  God, how ugly, gross they are. Being that big ... there can't be any good to come from them. Too ugly ... too fat. Ugh!

Taking up too much room for a big-ass body ... your clothes look like Hell. You try to look nice, fix your hair, wear make up... you are still ugly, fat. You aren't any good to anyone!

Do you dare to have any confidence as big as you are? Do you dare to smile, be happy as big as you are? Who do you think you are? You are just a fat-ass!

Sadly ... there are people who judge other people. Sadly they never take the time to discover beauty comes in all shapes, sizes. They can only see the exterior ... if you can only see the outside of a person's body ... you are going to miss the goldmine inside.

People, cars, houses ... it's okay for houses, cars to oversized. Big means better, richer but not ... if you are a person. You lose value the bigger you are. No one respects you, they treat you like second-class.

Shame on us if we are so narrow-minded to not see that our bodies like a book ... open up to reveal beauty. There are beautiful, loving, good souls in those big-ass bodies you despise so much. Damn ... yes, I said that ... if you don't look ... you won't see.

All that glitters, shines isn't gold ... isn't good. Have you ever bitten into a big, beautiful apple knowing it will taste so good? Only ... for it to be black, rotten inside? Are you going to continue to eat it ... just because it's ... beautiful?  NO!

People are like that ... beauty can hide the ugliest, blackest, evil souls there are. Beauty is just their camouflage to prey on others. Everyone likes beautiful, right? Evil can walk right up to you if it's beautiful. 

Not all beautiful is ugly ... not all ugly is beautiful. I have known the most beautiful people no one else would notice because ...

I took time to really see, care, sense. Like a book ... ๐Ÿ“–  you can't judge it by the cover. Wow, you have no idea of the good people you are missing when you look over them to see only beautiful people. Because ...

If you truly want to see beauty, good in people ... look at what that body houses inside. Like Christmas presents ... we never know what's inside. Even a beautiful Christmas present has ugly things inside. Sometimes ... the ugliest wrapped presents can surprise, delight you, fill your soul with pure happiness. 

I'm not saying all big, ugly people ... big, beautiful people are all good ... all bad. I'm saying good people ... really beautiful souls sometimes can't be seen because one sees only the outside ... judge it not worth their time to look any farther.

I'm not saying all smaller people are beautiful ... we know they aren't.  They can house the ugliest souls just as well as beautiful souls.

When you look at someone think about a wonderful book you almost didn't read because you judged it by its cover.

We are the books that line Life's library shelves. Sure, some books are too dull for us to read ... but, there's always someone who will appreciate them.

These are my thoughts this morning when I was reading how people were judging a handsome man's wife for being obese. 

No one could believe a handsome man could love a fat woman ... then they saw pictures of her when younger ... she was beautiful. 

This leads one to believe he married her because she was beautiful ... no one thought he married her because she truly was a beautiful soul.

I begin thinking just what you just read. That old saying is true ... beauty IS in the beholder's eye. Sometimes  ... we don't see what others see in a person.

Note by this author:  

I study people, I have since being a child. I am always amazed anew how we as human beings think, do. Sometimes ... I can't believe it ... sometimes  ... I can.

I don't make any claims of being right ... wrong. I only write what ... I ... see, feel ... think ... how my life is touched, affected. 

I write only my life's stories... I don't write yours. You have to live, write your own stories. I am honored when you take your time to read ME ... my stories. ❤  Happy colors to you ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™❤๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™❤๐Ÿงก

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