Friday, December 7, 2012

Treasure In My Heart's Chest...

Treasure In My Heart's Chest...
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

A little boy's voice said to me
I love you very much
Now, I'm not used to hearing such

He said he loved me most
I told him I love you, too
Not only that, I miss you

This is another memory
Another treasure in my heart's chest
I can think about when my mind's at rest

I love you little Taban
I love my precious grandson
Granny Gee's only one

You lost your first tooth, waiting for the tooth fairy
On December 04, 2012, a photo was sent to me
It was a tooth on the bottom, I could see!  :)))

I love, miss you, Taban
You are my little grandson
I love you, my little precious one

1 comment:

  1. I know you love Taban so much. I do wish you could see him more often. I am glad he hasn't forgotten you and that he wants to have a relationship with you and Skip. Maybe this Christmas season will bring you much joy concerning your precious grandson! Love, Ms Nancy
