Friday, March 7, 2014

You Can't Make Her Go Country, If She Doesn't Know How To!

You Can't Make Her Go Country, If She Doesn't Know How To!
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

The young girl woke up to the daylight
Shining through the windows in the room
It was so cold ... she stayed in the bed she lay in

What have I done, she thought
There's no turning back now... I can't get out
Of this room I'm in... I made my bed, I have to lay in it

She felt butterflies in her stomach
She waited... waited ... waited for someone to come
Someone to come, take her away to a new life

The young girl ran away from her old life
Taking a chance on ... a new life
Not knowing what direction the wind would blow her

Would she live to regret her decision
For the moment, she didn't think that far
She just wanted someone to come get her

She wasn't used to being alone
She was afraid... she ran off to get married
Eloped... to marry a tall, handsome guy she thought she loved

In the days that followed... the young girl's eyes began to open
To see a whole new world she never knew existed
She met people like she'd never known

Saw a way of life she'd never experienced
Did grown up things for the first time
A little girl doing adult things... she wanted to be little again

She watched, listened in awe
Accents, strange people... in the countryside
She'd never been in the countryside before

There were cows to be milked
Butter to be churned
Skillet cornbread, pinto beans, chow-chow to be eaten

Yes, life was different here... she found it hard to adjust
Never did learn how to bake that damn skillet cornbread
Should have been simple to do... it wasn't to her

She loved gourmet cooking... like her mom cooked for her
Cooked some Chinese food for her new husband
What in the hell is that?  He threw plate and all... out the front door

You can take the young girl out of the city
Force her to live her life differently
But... you can't make her go 'country' if she doesn't know how to!
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1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we just have to learn from experience. You know I am a country girl. Some might even say I am a "redneck country girl". That is ok. I think country people figure out how to survive better than city people. I never learned how to bake that cornbread either but I learned real fast how to make those homemade biscuits from scratch! I think sometimes the little things like that is actually called "survival"--don't you think? Love, Ms. Nancy
