I stand on the path in the darkness
weeping, sobbing with my very being
for the loss of life that I brought into this world
for the loss of my only child, my son
I look up in the darkness trying to see
I'm trapped here in my grief
I want out, please!
My path is dark and scary
I see no way out.
I hear Skip calling, I can't see you
I hear you saying come back
I can't, there no light here to see
I'm on this dark path of sadness and grief.
I can't come back.
I want to die, the pain is so great
I want to just fall down and lay.
Do I see a bit of light in the darkness?
I stand up and walk slowly toward it
the light disappears, I fall down
I can't see.
I'm trapped here in the darkness
help me, please!
The pain and grief is just too much
there's no way out, I can't see.
My body is wracked with sobs
weeping is the only thing I can do
I can't bear this pain of losing
my only child, my son
I lay here weeping in my pain.
I think I see sunshine up above
shining through the bare limbs
down on the dark path I lay on
I get up to see
The dark path is pooled with light
here and there, defining it for me
I begin to walk slowly to leave this dark world
I've been here so long and want to see
colors of the rainbow, white clouds in the sky
Let me out, please
The path becomes a little brighter for me
I know I'll be back on this dark path
For now, there's the light
so I can see.
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates
Written 1-12-2012
Today has been a dark day. My nephew was killed by a drunk driver 8 years ago today. I still feel that pain. It is not the pain of losing an only child but the pain of losing a nephew that I was very close to. At one time he lived with me. We helped each other. Today is a dark day for me. We will survive our loss. We have to look for the sunshine that will help us through this. Love, Ms. Nancy