Friday, March 22, 2024

Electric Carts ... Beauty Ray Lotion ... Raising Hell Can Be A Good Thing

Yesterday we went to buy groceries. I found this electric cart out in the parking lot for Skip Bates . It made me think of what I have taken notice of for some time. I had looked everywhere to find an electric cart prior. Lots of walking, pain on my part ... determination to find one for him.

I wonder how many people realize the importance of electric carts for seniors who have disabilities?

This winter I went inside Walmart to get Skip an electric cart so, he didn't have to sit in the freezing cold pickup. There weren't any carts to be found.

I saw a young woman and her friend inside Walmart ...the young woman was driving the cart near the register making me think she'd soon not be using the cart.

I approached her, asked if I could get the cart for my husband when she was through with it.

She began smiling as she got up from the cart. She told me I could have it now because the only reason she was using it was ... she just didn't feel like walking around in Walmart.

I thanked her, took the cart out to Skip where he was still sitting in the pickup.

I'm glad I could get the cart ... it was needed to enable Skip to go inside the store.

Who am I to say the woman didn't need to be on the cart? I can't help but, to think ... if she hadn't been, I wouldn't have found a cart for Skip.

I do believe things happen for a reason ... maybe this was one of those times because the last several times prior to going to the store ... Skip had to sit in the pickup. I had to practically fly around like a witch on a broom to get what we needed.

I meet up with people who want to talk ... I can't just stand, talk long. People who know our situation knows my main goal is to get back to Skip quickly as possible. I do just that.

This is strictly my Gloria opinion ... the big box stores need to have on hand a little fleet of electric carts ... we have so many newcomers ... people moving here everyday.

Many, many people have all kinds of disabilities... they need those carts. Some people don't have anyone to go into the store for them ... they have to depend on themselves.

I have seen people with disabilities suffering trying to push a shopping cart because they couldn't find an electric cart.

Not everyone who uses an electric cart looks disabled. Like myself, I have a medical condition for me to use one. For now, I don't give into it ... I don't have the luxury of 'having something wrong' with me nor ... do I have time. I need to walk, stay strong as I possibly can.

I don't look like I have any medical problems ... no one has to look like it and many may be like me ... they just don't have time. I have to care for Skip and Precious Camo Kissy Fairchild Camie.

Truthfully ... I am stronger for it. I have to be ... there aren't enough electric shopping carts for this many people here now. I am glad I don't, haven't given in to every little, big thing when I battled my medical battles through time ... if I had ... I would be in a bed somewhere. I am glad I am at least ... strong enough.

The vision of my Grandma Alma is always in my mind ... both she and George, the only grandfather I ever knew.

She was paralyzed,  he was blind. They fought to survive in the cruel, unjust world around them ... truthfully ... they lived in Hell while on this earth.

I watched my Grandma Alma, George ... as a little girl while having to live there ... now, I am glad to have had those Life lessons as a child ... that's why I keep going on. That's why I am just strong enough. That's why ... I don't give up.

I watched my Grandma Alma struggle each time she would sit up in bed, put her clothes on after her bath ... to walk, eat ... everything. She was paralyzed on one side of her body.

George would struggle to care for her, cook for her, to give her range of motion exercises 3 times a day ... he would rub her down with alcohol, Beauty Ray lotion. He would wash clothes, hang them out. He also, had a little store beside the house.

I could go on with all they did each day to live ...all they suffered, had to endure from outside forces. I will stop now, but, I will say where they lived was truly one of Hell's portals. No one would believe ...

They never gave up no matter what. I saw them cry, raise Hell ... when the storms passed ... they were stronger than ever. I am like that though I wish I didn't know the cuss words they unwittingly taught me.

When angered, or in a situation I am trying to fix something or something is too much for me ... all Hell breaks loose. That's my legacy from the two strongest people I've ever known in my life ... a paralyzed woman ... a blind man.

Raising Hell to accomplish what I need to do ... raising Hell is my fuel, gas to push me forward to getting things tougher, bigger than I ... done. Oh my, the determination I have ... I mean to do what I've set out to do.

When the storm passes ... everything is alright once again. The sun shines, the wind, raindrops, thunder and lightening all go away as if ... nothing ever happened. And ... what I meant to do ... is 9 out of 10 times done ... accomplished.

The electric carts now, are few for an on-going booming population here that's been going on for the past few years. The population has, is growing ... not everything is keeping up with the growth.

Skip is having a little harder time walking ... at times he can, will use his rollator. That works well ... he can sit down when needed. For long distances, he doesn't need to ... that would be a fall waiting to happen.

Skip and Camie are still sleeping ... it is 9:42 am. I am amazed that Skip sleeps late now ... has been for the past several weeks.

I am going to put my story on my blog now ... at

I am so glad to be writing, keeping up my blog. I had stopped for quite some time. Skip has been bad off for quite some time. I have written there since my son, Tommy, died in 2010.

My blog helped to save my life. I had a quiet place to go to ... to pour out my tear, grief ... my blog has all my photos, stories. There's no one to leave them to one day ... my blog will have them to portray ME ... I was a real person who lived too.

Skip has just awaken ... bath time, breakfast and of course... comforting coffee. Happy day! 🩷🩷🩷

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