Sunday, March 24, 2024

You Along With Me ... Went On This Ride Blindly 🙂🙃🙂

 7:42 am ... Saturday ... 3-24-2024

The sun just began shining brightly through the bedroom window. I look for the sun each morning when I wake up, sit here by Skip and Camie's side waiting for them to wake up.

Yesterday evening we drove to our local hospital to pick up boxed meals for the Cancer Survivor yearly event. Both Skip and I are cancer survivors.  Me ... Non-Hodgkins lymphoma  ... Skip ... colon cancer.

I miss the events they used to have ... when people sat together, eating, laughing, talking together. It feels so sad driving up to the curve, people handing the meals to you in a plastic bag, plastic bag of little what-nots ... drive a little way ... someone hands you bottled water.

I have no reason to complain. I just speak of how it makes me feel, affects me. I imagine this is so much cheaper, less clean-up ... also, it does keep catching Covid, respiratory sickness down.

In my humble Gloria's opinion... I still think it sad each year the Cancer Survivor dinner is curbside. The people who work to give out the meals are jolly, nice ... that goes a long way to make it better. It is still sort of sad, lonely when having to be always isolated. Covid has changed life for many years to come, probably forever.

I know Skip has always loved to meet, talk with people. Those times are far apart now since he's been very sick, medical events. I can see in his face when we are out ... he wants to talk, socialize.  I am glad people stop to talk to him, he needs that interaction.

Of course, I do make sure he ... we still wear masks. We tried to get away from that ... but, getting so sick (both of us) two times this winter ... broke ME. I got so sick I couldn't care for Skip, Camie. 

We haven't had any kind of respiratory illnesses since Covid began until we took the masks off ... it didn't take long to become sick from what was going around. I learned masks do help to prevent it. I knew that from working at the hospital to begin with.

So many people are angered because of wearing masks. I do NOT argue, nor engage in conversations about wearing masks. I will tell you this ... I WILL do what I think is best, works for us. I can only say in this instance ... to each his own. I won't waste words, time arguing this particular subject.

Have you noticed how many people seem to be more argumentative,  angry now as things try to become more ... normal? I truly don't know if they'll be ... normal ... as we knew it again. Sometimes change goes so far ... one can't come back to the way things were ... before.

I am saddened by the seemingly more hate, anger I see, hear on our news, online, whenever we are out, and about. I am however ... so happy when people are friendly, happy when we encounter them. 

Normally, we encounter happy, friendly people. I don't know how much that matters in today's time to anyone else ... to ME, to us means the world to come home knowing I've been nice to people, people have been nice to us. 

I don't like conflict at all ... and though I don't like conflict ... it doesn't mean I'm weak. I become more quieter, pay close attention when near situations.  In stores, parking lots here ... it pays to always be alert. 

Not a day, night goes by now without killings, beatings, robbery. When masses of people move so fast, close to each other like it is here now ... there are many conflicts, personalities, mental issues, anger issues ... the list goes on forever. 

With masses of people ... you know what follows? Predators ... always lurking to take down someone, steal a child, rob ... take pleasure in killing, harming others.

I take note of all this. I remember well how careful Skip and I had to be in certain areas in big cities when we drove a big truck. Oh my, the things we saw, encountered, heard ... it was all a shock to me at first. As time went on I learned from all that I saw. I watched, paid attention, learned. 

Now ... I KNOW FOR REAL ... things I only used to read about ... are only too real ... whether I like it or not. The world is bigger than I am ... I no longer have illusions that I can 'save the world'.

Not everyone is good ... not everyone is nice ... there are those who really will kill just for a dollar ... or kill if you look at them wrong. Not everyone is good ... there are truly evil people.

Having said that ... from what I know personally ... I also, know and am so thankful, grateful for good people ... people who have morals ... who are strong enough to care, protect those who are weakest. 

These people don't want to hurt, kill anyone ... but, when confronted with the worst kind of people they will do just enough to protect others ... and if that doesn't work ... take steps needed to make it work. They will protect in the best way possible ... sadly if have to ... they will protect in the way they don't want to because of being put in a position they are forced into. 

I am this kind of person. A for-real good person ... I admire, respect people who put their lives out there to serve, protect ... especially in today's time. It's too easy to get up one morning, kiss the family goodbye, go to work ... never come home again. 

They lose their lives to bad people who don't place value on another person's life ... trying to protect, keep order. Especially in today's time ... no one fears the consequences of taking another person's life, raping, killing, robbing. No one has any fear now if ... they do wrong.

I had no idea what I would write this morning, whatsoever. You, along with myself ... went along on this ride blindly not knowing where we would end up 🙂🙃🙂

What I write is strictly my thoughts, opinions on the world I see, have seen ... heard ... with my my own eyes, ears. We all co-exist together ... yet we are worlds apart. What you see, hear ... I might not see, hear. But ... isn't it so nice when everyone is in pretty much agreement?

I don't try to write your thoughts, your life ... you are the only one who can do that. I respect all. I do write the colors as I have always called the events of my life as I see, think ... experience it. Just as I respect any, everyone ... that respect is returned to me, also.

9:16 am ... I am amazed at how easily Skip can sleep late now. Before you couldn't have paid him to sleep long. Driving a big truck ... one never sleeps long. I love that schedule, but ... not how some drivers are pushed into dangerous situations  from lack of sleep. That's another story ... not one I'm prepared to write about at this time. 

I have always thrived on a few hours of sleep ... the only times I have ever wanted to sleep late ... are those mornings when I have to get up for early appointments. I am a ... night owl.

I hope your day is filled with the happiest colors of Life. ❤❤❤❤❤

Skip Bates Precious Camo Kissy Fairchild Tommy M Sidden

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