Thursday, May 23, 2024

Appointments ... Appointments ... Gracious!


Photos owned by Gloria Faye Brown Bates  ... my world 🌎 ♥ 

May 23, 2024 ... Thursday

I am so glad it's Thursday. I have been waiting for this day after 2 full weeks of doctor appointments for Skip (a couple for me) ... and all his physical therapy appointments ... some days having 2 appointments. 

I have been so tired. I am Skip's caregiver as well (caring for Camie) ...  as keeping all going in our life. When I think about it ... wow, I have a lot of responsibility.  I take that responsibility seriously. 

The good thing is ... no more appointments for a few days. Memorial Day holidays are coming up affecting everything including Skip's physical therapy appointments. 

The saddest, more personable to me is Memorial Day holidays mark the day I lost my only child, my son ... Tommy. May 29, 2010.

He died with 3 blockages to his Heart ... the widow maker.. He collapsed on Myrtle Beach, South Carolina shortly after he and his family arrived. No one knew, suspected he had Heart problems. 

I was just thinking 9 years (April 2019) later I almost died with the same thing. I feel Tommy somehow reached from the other side to make me go straight away to be tested. I had immediate surgery to save my life ... I didn't go home from the test. The surgeon said I wouldn't have made it even a couple more days. I had no idea ... only that strange day alerted me.

I had the strangest day just before where that whole day no matter what I couldn't get Tommy off my mind ... and the thought I should make appointment with my cardiologist. Thank God I listened ... I believe my son saved my life from what caused his collapse, his death.

If you knew how strange that day was ... you would know Tommy reached out, saved my life. 

Here's looking forward to several days of catching up housework, rearranging, so on. My work never ends ... to keep all nice, clean, in order, take care of Skip, Camie's needs, myself ... I stay busy night and day. I wouldn't have it any other way. My little world is everything to me.

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