Monday, May 13, 2024

No Birthday Cake For Skip Today ...

Skip is at physical therapy ... he isn't feeling well at all, nor am I. He won't get his cake today. No hard feelings ... only love, caring is in our Hearts. We know how life is. We also, know communication is important to save pain, grief when already hurting. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 

I don't have time to feel anger, have hard feelings ... nor do I want or choose to be like that. Having said that and meaning it with my Heart... my Heart hurts for Skip today.. another let down he truly didn't need. Even he isn't upset nor has hard feelings ... but, he hurts deeply. His depression is worse ... I won't go farther in detail out of love, respect, caring for everyone.

However ... my Heart hurts because I worked on, chose the perfect person for my Birthday surprise to Skip ... I contacted, paid for it in March smiling inside knowing all would be very special. I knew he'd get a colorful cake or cupcakes with lots of flowers ... it won't  happen.

I just feel so sad, down even more so since yesterday ... Mother's Day. I am again amazed at Life, people and the twists, turns, and loops thrown. Skip's  77th birthday was so important to me ... Skip has been depressed thinking it is his last birthday. No one knows how unwell he is nor the differences in his body, mind the way I do.

I could just sit down, cry ... but, I'm not. I have to find a birthday cake for Skip! I will stop at Sam's Club hopefully finding a perfect one with happy-colors, flowers on it.

No one needs to comment on this ... I write my pain ... when I do ... I still love, care about everyone including people who made me sad.

Communication is key to everything and following through with your word is everything. If you promise something weeks ahead, follow through. Don't not communicate until the last minute. You never know the hurt, extra pain, grief you inflict on others when unnecessary ... especially people who love, care, respect you.

Love, caring always wins out ... but, hurt, grief, pain takes time. No matter what, we love, care, respect. Now ... if the hurt, pain, disappointment goes away quickly. As for Skip ... I am worried about him ... he isn't feeling well at all. I am watching him here at his physical therapy session. His Heart isn't in it at all. 

This is the saddest birthday I've ever known Skip to have ... and it's affecting him in the not good way. The good thing here ... neither of us harbor any bad feelings at all. We are old enough to know when people do things ... they have their own reasons to do so. In their minds they know what and why ... and feel good when making decisions. We all do it.

We all learn from Life's Lessons ... this is another life lesson we learn from. There's good in everything when you make it be. I'm making it ... be. We sure aren't perfect people at all ... through the years we really try to do good and will keep doing the best we can.

This is the last I will write on this ... the hurt, pain, disappointment was greater than I ... I had to write. Writing is how I survive, live this life. Please don't make negative comments  ... everything is alright, we are still here, we still love, we still care.

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