Sunday, April 14, 2024

We All Need To Have A Little Hell In Us ...


Photos owned by Gloria Faye Brown Bates  ... Happy Day to You!! 💛💛💛

Yes, the sun is out this morning... I know because it is shining on ME! 🙃 This is my favorite time of the morning... though sometimes, I am tempted to just roll over, go back to sleep. I am always glad I didn't. 

I will sit here quietly writing, thinking while Skip and Camie sleep. I know they are okay because I am beside them.

I just turned my face to the sunshine, closed my eyes to enjoy it shining on my eyelids (🙂🙃🙂) ... I love doing that. I wish I could rest my head on my pillows and while my eyes are closed the sun would shine on them. There's a soft, not quite red color ... golden red ... I see behind my eyelids when the sun shines on my face. It's sort of magical!

Enough about sunshine ... 🌞 ☀️ I love it, it begins my morning making me smile, so ... I will always mention it ... and keep trying to put into words, describe how it affects ME. Does it matter? Probably not to anyone but, ME. That's okay ... we all hold things that are important to us but, not important to anyone else in this big, old world.

When I write  ... I write what's on my mind, what I think about ... real things a real person feels, thinks. When you read ME ... this is the way I am. Sometimes ... well probably most of the time I am boring. I say thank God for boredom in my life ... why?

Boredom means Skip, Camie and I are doing just fine, we are on an even keel. We have been through so many life-threatening medical situations to make us appreciate a ... boring life. It's wonderful. If I want excitement I will write it. 🙂 I want all to stay quiet, calm, not frightening. 

I saw something on the news that has given me thought, concern last night. A drone was shot down last night by our country. I won't get into any of that as I don't sit, discuss, argue the latest news. I will say it alarmed me ... I feel concern.

I remember growing up thinking even if some people are just plain mean ... they really aren't evil because ... how can people be truly evil? That's the very worst way to be, how can people live with themselves after committing atrocious acts upon another human being? 

Through all the years I have been on this earth I have learned that yes, there are way more evil people than even I can imagine ... who thrive on hurting, killing, maiming others ... they can smile, eat, enjoy life after doing the most hideous things. Wow ... wow

I used to think only on movies do you see such evilness. Through times I have watched the many colors of ... people. They truly aren't all the way they appear. Once they step out of view, earshot of people they are fooling ... their real colors show. 

They drop the facade of pretending to be kind, good. That's a 'helluva' thing to witness when people you truly thought were so good ... all of a sudden for whatever reason decide to ... show you ... their real colors. 

That's an awful thing to witness ... what's worse is if someone walks up ... boom! The real colors disappear and the person you thought you knew ... is back and you are left wondering if you were imagining things. How in the world could you think that person was bad? 

As for myself I am always listening, seeing when I'm around people. I am constantly sensing if they are for real. I feel a great sadness when I realize that not everyone is like ME. I genuinely care, love people. I don't try to fool people, nor do I waste my time, energy trying to impress, make people think I like, love them when I don't. 

I do smile, show respect, get away from them as quickly as possible. I don't have time for insincerity,  false people ... my life to ME has value. I don't invite things into it to cause ME grief. 

There is a part of each person's life they have to hold sacred, letting nothing in but, the good in life. If you allow anything ... anyone into that space in your life ... you will live in only chaos, Hell. 

Learn to love yourself, like to be with yourself so, you can be alone ... then ... be very selective who gets near your precious, special space in your life. Kick their asses out once any false colors begin to show. Don't waste time, set them free to never come back. This is strictly my Gloria Way of thinking ... my Gloria opinion. 

You have your own way of thinking ... and believe it or not ... there are people who thrive on Hell, chaos ... I grew up in it ... watched, studied as a child ... I listened to plotting to hurt other people to destroy, teach their ass who to mess with. I won't keep going ... but, on a big scale in this world ... that's why there are wars ... that's where all the Hell raisers are. Sadly ... they inflict pain, grief ... awful things on the innocent ... on people who want to live opposite of raising Hell.

I will always ask myself this question/questions ... how did I not be exactly like that growing up? How in the world do I have a kind Heart ... how do I even love, care. How can I be a giver coming from selfishness? How can I care for anyone's needs but my own? The questions go on.

I can't really answer them ... too complex ... I would have to sit, think, to write to tell you. I don't have time this morning as I see Skip is awake.

Honestly ... the Hell is still inside ME ... I truly know how to raise Hell with the best only if ... I'm put in a situation to be bad, mean. I was steeped in Hell-raising as a child ... like a tea bag. I can't help but, know.

Honestly, I don't enjoy chaos, hell-raising. I choose calm, quiet in my life. I'm happiest when everyone is happy, okay. I want only good to happen ... I believe in good things no matter how bad the world can be. I try to make all good around ME. 

Yes, I still know how to raise Hell but, only if I am pushed very hard into it to protect, to survive. We all need to have at least that amount of Hell in us. Don't you agree? We take care of our loved ones be it human ... animals ... what we care most about. 

I will say good day, happy colors in your day. Skip, Camie are both awake ... time to focus on my world 🌎 I think it's going to be a beautiful day! 

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