Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Disgusting? So Be It!


Photos owned by Gloria Faye Brown Bates... our Miss Camie Leigh Bates asleep on our bed ❤❤❤


So, this morning I was reading online some person's view on letting dogs sleep on the bed ... sleeping with dogs. 🐕 

They were saying how disgusting it was to let dogs sleep on the bed. I didn't take offense at that as I respect other people's way of thinking ... even if my views are completely the opposite. 

I look into my own mind to see where they could be coming from. Truthfully, I can understand a lot of times the ...  'whys?' ... people think as they do when different from my way of thinking. I don't knock it. We are all in different places in our lives.

I didn't get to grow up with dogs, never got to know dogs were so special. I didn't know that once I looked into a dog's eyes, face I would see such feeling there. I wasn't ever close enough. Once one ever makes that connection ... there's no turning back. 

Once you see, feel a dog's love ... it's forever. They love you when you are ugly, they love you when you are at your worst  ... they love you unconditionally. 

At that time I wouldn't have a dog in the house ... now? I wouldn't ever have a dog I had to keep outside ... or keep on a chain, tied up. I won't even begin writing my feelings on that.

We have had in the past a family of Bassett Hounds ... mother, father, son ... sleep on our bed ... we had had Rottweilers,  Doberman, once a Pit Bull ... Coy Dog, and it hurts me to keep writing about them ... why? Because all through time they got old, died ... because I loved each, every one of them with my very Heart.

So, we've always had dogs, big dogs sleeping on our bed. I know how to not take up much space in the bed ... I learned to make sure our dogs were comfortable on the bed! 🙂🙃🙂😁😄😃😀

If one got up to go outside I would stay awake until they were safely back in bed. We've always had a chain link fence, pet door. Of course, now ... the fence we have for our one remaining dog is an improvised fence ( it works, and I try to make it pretty).

I feel when one takes on the responsibility of pets they shouldn't tie them up to suffer in the weather ... be 'already captured' on a chain for some big animal to happen by to make a meal out of your dog ... they can't run, hide. They have to stand there to be eaten , killed, mauled. 

The list goes on ... 'why? I am against chaining an animal. Food, water ... they have to wait for some lazy-ass to decide whether they want to get out of bed to bring them food, water. Anyway, I won't get started on how I feel about this. It's obvious what my feelings are by now without anymore explanation. 

I don't apologize for telling it like it really is when it comes to dogs. I have seen heartbreaking things in my time all the way to some dumb ass going out into his dogs' fence to stand, crack a whip ... dressed in his safari garb. You do know there are people not mentally fit to have animals ... nor children?

I made sure that man's dogs had dog houses to get inside from the weather. He thought because they were so big, had the reputation of being mean ... the dogs didn't suffer from the cold, heat. I could keep on ... but, I won't. 

What I began writing about ... the person's point of view on dogs sleeping on the bed ... and how disgusting it is for them to do so.

It's easy to knock something until one tries it. I can say many years ago when I never had the slightest clue about dogs, pets ... never around them ... back then I would have said the same not knowing.

I can only tell that person to be sure she doesn't look into a dog's face ... eyes because if she ever does that ... she will be hooked on having precious dogs in her life. There's no turning back once knowing, feeling that kind of love. If you aren't anybody to anyone else ... to a dog you are his everything. You don't have to put on airs to make him love you.

Back to the word ... disgusting. I will have to be disgusting when it comes to my dogs ... dog. As long as I have a dog I will sleep with them. I'm known to throw blankets, pillows on the floor whenever my dogs became old, ill, too heavy for me to put them on our bed. I slept beside them to the end. 

Our bed stays clean, our Camie sleeps on top of the covers with her freshly laundered covers, teddy bear. I keep a quilt or sheet over her sleeping area to throw in the washer at anytime. I couldn't, Skip couldn't sleep without Camie being on the bed. She is a part of us, our very lives.

I think if that person discovered the love of a dog she would change her mind. That's not my story to write. Her words, however, did affect what I feel. I can write truthfully about that because I know firsthand how it feels to love a dog, how it feels for a dog to love me.

Disgusting isn't a nice word at all ... I know I'm not disgusting ... because I sleep with my dog and that's disgusting to some ... so be it! 

I have to say this, I wasn't going to say it ... there are human beings I've known, seen through my years of life that ... never-ever would I sleep on their bed nor ... allow on mine. Because ... that would be disgusting to me. 

Our dog is clean as possible ... she doesn't want to be dirty. There are some human beings who ... like to mire in their own filth. I won't knock them for it because it could be their religion or a beauty routine, whatever is in their minds. I have to  respect, turn .. go my way as fast as I can go. I don't want to be around it ... I'll take my dog anyday.

Disgusting... so be it!

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